18|Bump in the night.

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Toni's perspective.
Me and Cheryl practically ran after Betty to Fp's trailer. "Finally." Fp greeted as we approached his trailer, I was al dirty because I tripped at least 5 times on my long skirt, which I now regret wearing. "What's up." I asked, Fp showed us a note:
Dear serpent king,
We've got your little serpent prince, if you ever want him get to the warehouse, bring something valuable.

The goulies.
"Oh my God, Jughead!" Betty practically screamed, covering her mouth with her hands in shock. Cheryl hugged her. "Calm down Betty, the Ghloulies that aren't arrested for drag racing are teenagers, not that big of a threat." I reassured. "The serpent teenagers are just as dangerous as the adults I think, isn't it the same way with the Ghoulies?" Fp said. "Good going, Fp, real reassuring." I sighed. "Look Betty, Jughead can handle himself, we'll go get him and he'll be fine." I said. "Promise?" Betty choked. "Yes, maybe a little scratched." I lied, I really didn't know if he'd be okay. "Okay, Toni, get into something more practical, we're saving Jughead." Fp said. "Roger that, we gonna get anyone else or do you think we can handle it?" I asked. "If there's too many they'll probably turn much more hostile." Fp answered. "I'm coming." Betty insisted. "No you aren't, you and Cheryl can stay here." I said. "Toni, really?" Cheryl scoffed. "I'm sorry but you heard Fp, plus Fp and I know these Ghoulies, we know how to fight them, we're used to it." I said. "You'd be completely in the dark." Fp added.
I got into jeans and my serpent jacket then me and Fp headed to the warehouse.
Cheryl's perspective.
"C'mon we're following her." I said, dragging Betty out the door. "But they told us not to." Betty argued. "Oh, my God, you're so gullible, they just don't think we can, nothing to do with the number of people." I huffed. "Okay." She sighed, "shouldn't we grab weapons?" Betty asked. "Yeah." I picked up a piece of pipe. "Weapon." I said, handing it to her. "What about you." She said worriedly. "I'll find a crowbar or something." I assured. I heard voices walking towards us, I took her and ducked behind a trailer. It was Fp and Toni. "So what exactly is the plan?" I heard Toni asked. "We just get Jughead, there can't be too many to fight." Fp said. "Alright." Toni sighed, I could tell she was unconvinced. They soon got out of our sight, I stepped out cautiously, Betty following me. "Stay in the shadows, so they don't see you." I hissed at her, following Fp and Toni. "Get ready." I heard Fp mumble to Toni as we approached a big building which I assumed was the warehouse. "Yep." I heard Toni sigh anxiously. "Serpent King." Someone greeted, stepping out of the shadows, he was like an Asian version of Tallboy.
"You brought us a girl? We meant valuable as in money or something. She isn't even that pretty." The guy said, I made fists. Toni just sighed. "No! She's just helping me get my son back!" Fp half-yelled. "This the girlfriend or something? Why do you need help?" The guy asked, tilting his head. Betty and I stifled laughs. "No! God no!" Toni exclaimed. "You really think the serpents own anything valuable?" Fp reasoned. "Well then how do you expect to get your son back?" The guy said coldly. Toni looked at Fp and he nodded, stepping in such a way that the guy had to turn his back to Toni to face Fp. Fp started segueing with him, distracting him. Toni made her way around the side. "You stay with Fp I case a fight breaks out, I'll go follow Toni." I hissed at Betty, following Toni's path. I found her at a side door, trying to open it. I tried to hide but she saw me.
Toni's perspective.
"Cheryl! What the hell!" I hissed. "I didn't want you to go alone, I wanted to make sure you didn't do anything stupid." She said sheepishly. "Yeah before you worry about me being stupid make sure you're not being stupid." I growled, opening the door. "C'non then, stay close to me, don't go out of my sight." I growled, trying to intimidate her into listening. "Roger that." She whimpered, I cringed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I sighed, I'm so mean. "You didn't scare me!" She said bashfully. "Keep it down!" I hissed. We lurked around the hallways and rooms in dead silence. Ducking past dumb, drunk and oblivious Ghoulies. Finally we found where Jughead was being held. He had a cloth in his mouth, he was tied up with ropes, action movie style. "Jughead." I said, wasting no time and walking behind him to cut the ropes. I first removed the cloth thou. "Are you okay? Are you well enough to sneak out of here and possibly fight?" I asked, cutting the last of the ropes. "I'm fine, why's Cheryl here? Oh no, did Betty come!?" He whisper-yelled. "I told them both not to, but only Cheryl would know if Betty's here, is she?" I said. "Yes, she's outside with Fp, Incase a fight starts." Cheryl admitted. "Let's go!" Jughead tried to run. I stopped him. "Slow down, prince." I hissed. "Running isn't very sneaky, hobo." Cheryl commented. "Plus, she'll be fine with Fp until we can get there." I assured him. "Alright." He sighed. We made our way back the same way be came, ducking past the same drunk, stupid and oblivious Ghoulies. It was going fine until we got to the door, a ghoulie caught us and we had to run, when we got to the front Betty and Fp joined us. Once we reached the safety of the Whyte Wyrm we stopped, gasping for breath. "Well that was my workout for the month." Jughead joked. "I thought we told you girls to stay behind?" Fp huffed at Cheryl and Betty. "I'm sorry Fp, that was me, I thought you guys weren't enough people." Cheryl confessed. "But now I realize even two people was probably too much." She sighed. "Blossom, next time listen!" Fp growled. "Lay off, Fp." I defended her. "She was trying to be helpful." I hissed at him. "Fine, if you weren't with Toni you'd be dead, blossom." He growled, Cheryl stepped right beside me. "Thanks guys." Jughead said, once he caught his breath. "No problem, Jug." I said. "Not like I had a choice." I teased. "Would there still be time to get to the dance?" Betty asked hopefully. "No, unfortunately." I said, looking at my watch, it was well past midnight. "You'll just have to suffice with the after party thing at Sweetwater." Cheryl said. "Thankfully." I mumbled. "Oh c'mon Toni, we all know you were secretly excited." Jughead hit my shoulder playfully. "Yeah, I heard there was good food." I said. "You were excited to go with Cheryl, your first official date." He teased. "We've has dates before, hobo." Cheryl laughed. "That anyone can know about." He added. "Just quit embarrassing yourself Juggie." Betty chuckled. "We should get going." Cheryl said, grabbing my arm. "You guys live together?" Jughead raised his eyebrow. "Temporarily, my uncle kicked me out again, for good." I sighed. "Doesn't have to be temporary." Cheryl said behind me. "Alright, Cya guys." Betty said. "Cya." I said as me sand Cheryl walked away.
——————— *at Cheryl's house.*
I sat on her bed, tired. "Sorry about disobeying." She said, sitting next to me. "I don't want you to obey me Cheryl, I just want you to trust my smarts more." I sighed. "I do trust your smarts, I just don't trust Fp's." She mumbled. "He's smarter than he looks, he's been doing this for a while." I sighed, laying down. "Sorry." She said, laying down and staring at me, I couldn't look away, mesmerized by her beauty. Suddenly, she rolled on top of me. "Oh." I managed to say flirtatiously before she kissed me. It was slow and gentle at first, but when I put my hands around her waist to pull her closer she started to kiss me aggressively. I tried to match her aggressiveness, but I was to tired, so I let her claim dominance for tonight, for just one night.
To be continued...
A.N.// sorry if you dislike the Smut-ish writing, but you chose to read it. 😉

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