3| Soft Murmurs.

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Toni's perspective.
I walked into the White Wyrm. "What's wrong?" I sighed, Sweetpea, Fangs and Jughead looked up at me. They stayed silent for a while. "Well, why did Jughead call me?" I crossed my arms impatiently. "He escaped, again." Fangs scratched his head. "And you guys can't catch a snake on your own?" I raised an eyebrow. "Well, he's up there, we figured you're small enough." Sweetpea pointed at a small space on the roof, usually storage. "You think I can turn into Spider-Man and just crawl up there." I scoffed. "There's a ladder, dumbass." Jughead laughed. "You shouldn't call me dumbass when you are the ones who can't catch a snake, clearly even Sweetpea could fit up there." I said, I didn't want to go up there, I was kind of afraid of heights. "Why so pissed. Did we interrupt Toni and her girlfriend?" Jughead teased. "Girlfriend?" Sweetpea, Fangs and I asked. Jughead mocked my voice saying "she.. it can wait." I felt myself blush. "Since when do you wear blush?" Sweetpea laughed. They all laughed. "Fuck you guys. Aren't I allowed to fuck up my words?" I gave them a glare. I put up the ladder to climb up. "Tell us about the lucky girl!" Fangs hooted over their laughter. "Again, I can fuck up my sentences can't I?" I called after me as I climbed up the ladder. "You can, you do frequently, but when you blush like that it means something's up." Sweetpea said, I gave them the middle finger and sat on the space they said the snake was on, I saw him in the corner. "Let's play 20 questions." Jughead said, mostly to Sweetpea and Fangs. "Count me out." I said, trying to grab the snake, he willingly wrapped around my hand, he seems to like me. "So, This new friend of yours Toni, what's her name?" Jughead asked as I glared down at him. "That's one, and I can't tell you." They all gasped in a teasing way. "Alright, then, what's her hair colour?" Sweetpea chimed in. "That's two, and that'd also give her away." I smirked. "Oh, my what a mystery. What does she normally wear?" Fangs raised his eyebrows, in a mock flirting way. "That's three. And she doesn't wear a specific shirt or anything." I acted dumb so they wouldn't have as many questions. "I bet she wears nothing around you." Sweetpea winked, everyone including me started laughing. "And Fangs meant like, what's her style." Jughead added after we were finished laughing. "Red, black and white, usually, probably not following dress code." I answered, grinning as I pictured Cheryl in one of her very short shorts. Everyone raised their eyebrows. "What? Not many girls do, the school probably stopped trying a while ago." I shrugged. "Is it.... josie?" Sweetpea asked. "Nope." I said smiling as Sweetpea looked a little discouraged. "You have 16 questions left." I stated. "What does her name start with?" Jughead asked. "C" I answered, their eyes widened. "Oh, my God it's Cheryl!" Fangs squealed. "Are there any other girls in the school that's names start with C?" I asked, trying to confuse them. "Not that fit your description, hair colour would definitely give her away, she wears black, red and white a lot, and her clothes are kind of breaking the dress code." Jughead said. "Fuck, why do I have a detective friend." I said, getting down. Everyone looked shocked. "Little queen bee is gay? Who woulda thought." Sweetpea frowned. "I'm not sure if we're dating, pretty sure she's bi. Also her mom's a homophobic bitch." I looked down, what are we? I thought to myself. "Well if I had a daughter like that I wouldn't let anyone, not even guys, touch her." Sweetpea remarked. I slapped him on the shoulder hard. "Like what?" I challenged. "The agitated Toni slaps the threatening Sweetpea, protecting her ownership of the redhead." Fangs teased, narrating us. "I don't own her, and we're not on animal planet, thank you." I scoffed, walking out the door. "Thanks, agitated Toni." Jughead called after me, God, they were like the three stooges.
*at Toni's trailer*
I walked in the door quietly. Taking off my jacket. I snuck into my bedroom, Cheryl was lying on the bed, on top of the covers. She was wearing my PJ pants and a rather tight PJ top. The sight of her in the top inspired a few rated-M thoughts to pop into my head, I blushed and bit my lip, going to get into my PJ's. "Hey Cha-Cha." I heard Cheryl mumble sleepily behind me as I got my shirt on. "Hey Cherry." I greeted, crawling into bed beside her. "You realize you're supposed to sleep under the covers? Right?" I teased as I pulled the covers out from under her and put them on top of both of us. "Yeah I was waiting for you." She said lazily, fighting sleep. "I told you not to." I whispered. "Yeah I didn't know you'd be as long." She mumbled, nodding off. "Can I cuddle you?" I asked. "Yes please." She said, turning her back to me. I put my arm around her, scooting close. I kissed her cheek. "Goodnight." I mumbled. "Goodnight." She said, falling asleep.
*In the middle of the night*
I was woken up by Cheryl screaming, I sat up putting a hand on her back. She had her hand clutched at her chest, hyperventilating. "What happened?" I asked, trying to sound soothing. "They're gonna kill me." She managed to say breathlessly. "Who?" I asked, pulling her into a hug. She started crying with her head on my chest. "It's just a dream." I said, running my hands thru her hair, it was very soft and silky, falling off my hand like liquid. "I know, but they're still gonna kill me." She breathed. I held her tight, "What happened?" I asked, worried. "Jason told me mom and uncle Claud were gonna kill me." She said, starting to cry again as she pressed her head into my chest. "It's just a nightmare Cheryl." I stated trying to calm her down, she was really shaken. "You don't understand, I overheard their plan, mummy said first Nana Rose, then me." She explained, this worried me. "I won't let them." I said, with newfound rage. Who does this woman think she is? I thought to myself as I rubbed Cheryl's back. "How?" She trembled, God, she was broken. I held her head close to me. "They have to kill me before they can kill you." I muttered. "If they kill you then I don't care if they kill me." She sighed. Still crying and breathing fast. I just rest her head on my chest. I murmured in her ear, not really anything audible, 'sweet nothings' if you will. Doing what I could to comfort her. It seemed to work as her breathing slowed down, and I couldn't feel anymore tears falling on my chest. I smiled as she fell asleep again. I rested my head on the pillow and did the same.

Cheryl's perspective *in the morning.*

I woke up, Toni wasn't there. I panicked for a second until she walked into the room. "Morning beautiful." She greeted as she sat down beside me. I blushed when she put her arm around me. She made me feel different than any other type of crush I'd ever had, this was a new feeling. "Are you feeling better?" She asked, I rested my head on her shoulder. "Thanks to you." I smiled. "You hungry?" She asked. "Yeah." I answered. "Get dressed and we'll go to pop's." She said, kissing my forehead and leaving the room. I got up and got dressed and we headed to pop's.

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