10| Problems

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Cheryl's perspective.
I watched Toni and Josie walk into the lounge, oh no. I thought, Toni sat down beside me, facing me. "Hey." She said, "how bad was Josie?" I asked, Toni laughed a little, Josie scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Just worries because I'm a serpent, the usual." She said, Josie walked away. Mine and Toni's lips were dangerously close again, I blushed and turned my head slightly, remembering there was other people in the room. It felt like Everyone was staring at us. "Sorry." I heard Toni mumble as she turned to sit on the couch properly. "It's fine." I said, putting my arm behind her back.
Toni's perspective
I guessed Cheryl was still uncomfortable with her sexuality, fine with me. Sweetpea walked thru the door, I couldn't hide my shock, a week went by quickly, his black eye was gone. "Hey! You're back!" I heard Fangs greet him. I didn't trust myself to say anything, just glare. "Hey Toni." He smirked. "H-hey." I stuttered, I wanted to be cruel but I knew that'd cause me more problems. "You should be happy, you only got away with a weeks detention." He said, trying to push my buttons. "You and I both know my actions were justified." I stated plainly, I wanted to punch that stupid grin right off his face. I felt Cheryl rub my back. "Don't." She whispered. "I won't, but I want to." I said. "How?" He asked, everyone was focused on us again. "Do I really need to explain how you used my mother's suicide against me?" I asked, expecting that to let me win, everyone glanced at me in shock, I crossed my arms. It took every bit of my will power not to attack him again. "Well yes, I didn't really, just putting out my conspiracy." He stated, it seemed he was still winning. "Hey, glad you're back by the way Cherry." He winked. That was it, I got up, stopped by Cheryl grabbing my shirt and forcing me back down. "Pig." She spat at Sweetpea. "Whoa, hey, I'm just saying, at the time it seemed possible." He said, putting his hands up defensively, I sighed and looked out the window, at a basketball game in the court, anything to get my attention away from the situation at hand. "How on earth, would Toni, of all people, cause me to do that to myself." Cheryl said. She put a defensive arm around my shoulders, I grabbed her hand. "Well, I know I think of it like that when I have one-night-stands with girls." He said, my head whipped around and I stared at him in shock. "But I guess now that's not the case." He said, smiling wickedly. Cheryl got off and ran away, into the change rooms, I guessed. "Who the fuck to you think you are?!" I yelled at Sweetpea before I tried go find Cheryl. Sweetpea stayed put in the doorframe. "Isn't that cute? Going to comfort your girlfriend?" He said, dramatically stepping out of the way. "Jackass." I spat before running to the changerooms. I found Cheryl sitting on a bench. "Hey, are you okay?" I said sitting down beside her, she wasn't quite crying but you could tell she could easily start "no! You told Sweetpea? And to make it worse you said it was a one-night-stand? We didn't even that time. What the hell Toni?" She turned away from me, I put my hand on her back. "Him, jughead, And Fangs pried it out of me, I thought I could trust them, and what I didn't say it was a one-night-stand." I said rubbing her back. She faced me again, her expression still a little angry. "Then what did you say?" She asked, crossing her arms. "I said I didn't know if we were girlfriends, I didn't want to assume and guess wrong. Because then you might've felt pressured or something." I said, her expression softened. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't of reacted like that." She said, hugging me. "I would've too, Sweetpea did make it sound really bad." I said, she was shaking a little. "If you need to cry, cry." I said, I felt her cry a little. "Now everyone knows, everyone knows I'm bi." She sighed. "You shouldn't be ashamed, Cher." I said, rubbing her back. "I know, but I am, and I wasn't ready for everyone to know so quickly." She let out a shaky sigh. "I agree, you can't force someone out of the closet like that." I sighed, I pushed her away a bit to make eye contact. "We can still try to play it off if you like." I said, it did annoy me to keep it a secret but I wasn't going to force her to be open about it either. "Really?" She whispered, I wiped away one of her tears. "Yes really, I don't want you uncomfortable, or force you to be open about it." I said. "Well, if you're completely sure, I would rather try to play it off still, I'm not ashamed just..." she trailed off. "I understand." I assured her. She kissed me. I heard footsteps and pulled away. "Don't worry it's just me." Josie said, walking around the corner. Both me and Cheryl relaxed. "Everyone's pretty much blowing up about the news." She sighed. "So we probably can't fake it." Cheryl said, defeated. "You can try, but you'd have to be extra careful." She Josie said. "I came in here so no one suspected you guys were.. you know." Josie said. "Thanks Josie." I said. "Cheryl blossom and Toni Topaz to the office please, Cheryl Blossom and Toni Topaz to the office." Principle Weatherbee's voice came over the speakers, making me jump. "Uh oh." Cheryl said. "We've done nothing wrong?" I said, thinking of what I've done today, nothing bad. "Are you sure?" Cheryl said as we got up, Josie followed us out of the change room. "I've done nothing wrong at least." I said, Josie broke off in another direction as we entered the office. Mr. Weatherbee, Penelope Blossom and Sheriff Keller were standing there, Cheryl fell backwards in a haste to run away, I caught her and kept her there. "Toni, Cheryl, explain." Sheriff Keller said in a business like manor. "I was so worried about you Cheryl, what did that scumbag do?" Penelope said in a sweet voice, faking it. "I.. s-she, I C-can't-" Cheryl started stuttering, not making much sense. "Oh, my poor baby!" Penelope said, walking over to us. "I've done nothing, I think if we talked to you alone, Sheriff Keller, she wouldn't be so nervous." I said, talking for Cheryl, who was practically laying on me. "Oh, you serpent scum, your victim, my daughter, can speak for herself." Penelope spat at me. "Actually, that's what we'll do, Penelope." Sheriff Keller interrupted. Guiding me and Cheryl further into the office. "What's going on here?" He asked when we were out of earshot. "My demon of a mother wants my will money." Cheryl said quietly, terrified her mother would hear. "What?" Sheriff Keller asked, sewing his eyebrows together. "Mummy and Uncle Claudius want the money I got from my dad's will, they kept me in my room for a week, mummy wanted to kill me but uncle Claudius said no. Toni saved me." Cheryl explained, Sheriff Keller's expression softened. "Yeah." I agreed, Sheriff Keller's expression hardened. "How do I know she's not manipulating you to say this?" He said, pointing at me. I gave him an offended gasp. "I'm not the devil himself, very few serpents are, despite your beliefs." I scoffed. "This isn't about the serpents, miss Topaz." He said. "Why else would you think I've kidnaped Cheryl, she's been thru enough, that'd be just cruel." I growled "why else? All the terrible things I hear of you, your brutal fight with that boy?" He said quickly. "You shouldn't base your accusations on silly high school rumours." I sighed, sometimes I just want to die. "I'll talk to you both separately then, Miss Topaz please leave." He said, I rolled my eyes and went back out into the main office, sitting in the only free chair, beside Penelope. "This is all your fault, Serpent girl." Penelope growled. "I'm not the one who held my own daughter hostage." I said, with equal hostility. "I would never!" She said with fake shock. "Why do you care anyway, are you afraid they're gonna find your whore business as well?" I said. "No! You scum bag!" She said a little baffled. I smirked. "If your not guilty of holding your own daughter hostage for money, why are you so worried?" I asked in an innocent voice, smirking. "Miss Topaz, Miss blossom, enough!" The secretary butted in, holding the phone. "You'll pay for this, skank." Penelope spat. "Look whose talking, whore." I whispered, she just rolled her eyes, clutching her fists in balls. Cheryl walked out, standing in front of me. "Miss Topaz, ill talk to you now." Sheriff Keller said. "Don't leave me alone with her." Cheryl said, almost crying. "She'll never hurt you again, I'll make sure." I whispered in her ear before following Sheriff Keller. "Ok, you're definitely not in trouble, I just can't understand how you knew she was in trouble." Sheriff Keller said, I relaxed at those words. "I was just worried, she wasn't answering my texts or anything." I explained. "So you climbed up to her bedroom window?" He questioned. "Yes, I was really worried I screwed something up." I explained. "Alright Toni, you're a good person, I know Cheryl can be pretty mean, you did good." He said, patting me on the back as we both walked out. "Cheryl, Toni, get to class. Penelope you're coming with me." Sheriff Keller said. Cheryl practically jumped out of her seat beside Penelope. "You little devious bitch! What did you tell him?!" Penelope screeched at both of us. "Miss Blossom, please." Sheriff Keller said before guiding her out. I looked at Cheryl. She smiled. We walked out into the hallway. "I love you!" She said, taking my hand. "I love you too." I said "what'd I do to deserve you?" She asked, I giggled and blushed, "everything." I said, it was true. She just laughed.
To be continued...
A. N. Probably won't be able to update as much as I'd like. 😕

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