Safiya's wedding

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"Mum what should I wear? Hmm see this dress. It is nice?"Alia asks her mother

"Beta it is but I think you will have to alter it...why don't you wear that Abayah which Zubaida Masi brought for you?"Her mother suggests

"Yeah thats a great idea. I will go try it out"

Today was Alia's best friend Safiya's Nikaah.Yes she got engaged the day the two best friends results were out. She was only 17 and Alia was somewhat sad knowing her best friend was now going far away from her.They had already made plans to become doctor together.An instant smile appears on her face recalling her mothers words

" Maybe she was never meant to become a doctor but was meant to be Akbar's wife and remember Allah makes no mistakes and all this was already written"

Maybe this was meant to happen.Alia remembered talking to Safiya about Akbar and the sudden engagement and Safiya replied "I fell for Him"
Talk about LOVE

The word was never in her dictionary. In fact she always thought how people fall in love and how they realise they are in love! She always ran away from Marriage talks...
She came out of the bathroom with her Abayah on and after wrapped a hijaab on her head off she left for the wedding.
She entered the brides room and stood speechless... There among the crowd stood her best friend looking beautiful as ever. Her gown was so pretty;

 Her gown was so pretty;

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Safiya gown👆

Moreover her best friends looked more pretty...
Aliaa ran to Safiya, hugged her and congratulate her. Tears welled up in Aliaa's eyes. Her bestie was getting married.

"Congrats! I have no words to express how im feeling. I love you and May Allah always bless your marriage. May Akbar Bhai keep you happy. Ameen! By the way your gown is so beautiful and big ma sha Allah'

"Yeah its from Akbar's side, they think this gown is more pretty than the one I brought"

Talk about being rich. Safiya was getting married into a wealthy family. The docorations and the gown just complimented how rich they really were.

"Aliaa"she heard her mum calling her.

"Girls girls lets make a plan. We will not allow Akbar jiju(bro in law)to enter so easily. I mean ever heard the 'give money and enter stuff'?"Maaria(one of the bridesmaid) speaks

"No no dont trouble Akbar"
Wohh this was Safiya speaking. Alia was shocked. Her bestie was really in love.
All Safiyas friends were given the job to serve and make sure the grooms side were satisfied.
Typical indians Aliaa thought

 Typical indians Aliaa thought

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SSafiya stage

Luckily the men and women departments were separate. So Aliaa was comfortable.
Soon they heard the repeated honking of the cars which indicated that GROOM is here!
Wow..Aliaa finally will get to see which idiot stole her bestie heart...

All girls,men and women go outside to welcome the groom.

"No no you are not entering inside,you have to give us money" all girls cheer

"I am already taking your sister and for the rest of our lives i will have to pay her bills. So why give you money now?"this time all the boys cheered

Aliaa smiled at his reply and stood on her feet to see the groom. She was a little bit short and so she had to move forward pushing everyone who came in her way.Akbar was wearing a black suit and was quite handsome.They both make a beautiful couple MashaAllah!

Soon the groom was led inside after demanding atleast 15000 Rupees from Akbar. The boys were still bargaining but Akbar agreed and you know the reason don't you??

He wanted to see Safiya.

Soon the Nikkaah was done and now the bride will be brought to the stage. Luckily the only man who was allowed in the hall was Akbar.
The bride was brought to the stage and Aliaa followed her behind adjusting her gown wherever possible.
After  a long session of pictures and MashaAllahs from people,food was served.
So all the girls were allocated one table each to serve. Aliaa started her work and an elderly woman asked her
"Child what is your name and whose daughter are you?"

"umm im Aliaa Elyias..."

"Are you from here"

"Yes im from here. Im actually Safiya's bestfriend"

Aliaa had seen her for the first time and she knew they were from the grooms side. Moreover Akbar Bhai lived at a distance of about 4/5 hours from where Safiya lived!

"Ohh ok.How old are you?'

"Im only 17"

"Alia Aliaa"Maria called Aliaa and before the elderly woman could ask her anything Aliaa left from there...

The wedding was done and after bidding Safiya a goodbye Aliaa left for her home. Aliaa was really sad that her best friend will now stay faraway from her.She wont meet her everyday now.

Aliaa was too tired to say anything and she slept....


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