Chapter 1 'first day and Already have a problem'

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Ok so I hope you like this chap, I know it's short, sorry

Chapter 1

I arrive at school at the same time the Bell started to ring, urgh bells are so annoying.

Why? Well because they are family of the clock, and the clock it's annoying, so if he's annoying, then the bells are annoying.

I laughed at my stupid joke as I enter the office and stopped in front of a lady in her desk, doing something in the computer.

"um hi..." I said waving my hand at her; apparently she didn't hear me nor saw me OR she was ignoring me.

"HELLO" I shouted.

She jumped and that's when she looked at me, mumbling something under her breath that I heard perfectly, she said 'people shouting this days'

Never had a erge so stron to strangler someone right now.

"What do you want?" she asked, that's not nice fat lady! My temper is not helping me at this moment.

"Well, first of all, have you seen this face here before? No, right? Then I'm new! So give me my schedule" I almost growled at her.

'Pissed off already, are we?' Snow teased.

'Oh shut up!' I heard her laugh.

Oh did I forgot to tell you that each werewolf has a wolf who you can talk to? So yea we can, and they are the ones who chooses the mates, you know, your
other part? Your other half? Meaning your mate? Did that even make sense??

"Here" the fat lady threw me the schedule, bitch.

"Thanks" I spat and walked out of the office.

Hmm... first class Spanish, blah! I already know Spanish! I'm so not entering, maybe tomorrow I will...

Second class, urgh Biology, I. HATE. BIOLOGY! So not entering neither, maybe tomorrow I will...

Third class, math, URGH I SUCK AT MATH! Not entering, maybe tomorrow.

Next it's Lunch, now that one sounds good ;)

I found a big tree; I walked and sat down under it.

Gah, what to do in three hours... I got out my Ipod and started listening to A Little Piece Of Heave by Avenged Sevenfold

Three hour later

*ring* *ring*

LUNCH TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I turned my Ipod off and ran to the cafeteria, the smell, the delicious smell of brownies and cake, and Ice cream and fries and hamburger and and OMG I


This is like my dream come true... but boyyy was I wrong.

As soon as I open the door, the smell hit me like a bullet.


Seems like they to smelled me because, 11 people(werewolves) got up and started heading to where I am.

Did I forget to tell you that rogue wolves have different scents, so they will know if I'm one, or a lone wolf, or a new member of their pack.

I growled a low warning growl, so humans couldn't hear, they growled back.

Oh I'm in big shi*


So what you think? O.o o.O

Yea yea I'll try to make next chapter longer :P

I'm a rogue, he's an Alpha, did I mention he's my mate?Where stories live. Discover now