Chapter 9 (I think)

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OK well, I'm freaking mad! (Don't worry I'm not mad at you ;) ) I'M MAD AT MY FREAKING PARENTS >:(

Anyway hope you enjoy!


Chapter 9

"Wh-what? H-he's i-in a coma?" I sobbed; my soul felt like it was being ripped in two.

"He lost a lot of blood, Brooke, if you wouldn't have attacked dad, he would have died... When you blacked out, seconds later he did too in he's wolf form, since in wolf form he couldn't heal himself, we had to get a medicine that made him shift, so that took as like 2 minutes. We almost lost him. He won't wake up until he's wolf heals he's entire body" She said, silent tears falling from her eyes.

"When is he going to wake up?" I asked while crying.

"One month, or more" I don't think I can wait that long.

2 minutes of us crying and silence.

"Brooke, when the doctors were treating you, I-I saw... I saw a lot of"

"Scars that weren't done in this battle" I finish.

I smile weakly at her "My life is not what you think it is(was), I became a rogue for a reason not because I wanted to" I told her.

She open her mouth to say something but the door flood open and a man walked in.

"Alpha th-" he started to say but I cut him off.

"Alpha? I'm not your alpha" I said, clearly confused.

"Yea about that" Lisa laughed nervously "Umm before Blake blacked out, he told me your in charge" OMG.


"As I was saying, there is a girl in our borders telling us that we have kidnapped her bestfriend" He told me.

Kidnapped? I think I know who this chick is.

"What's her name?" I asked.

"Jenna" Yep, today god definitely hates me.

I sighed "Bring her" I ordered.

He nodded, bowed and walked away.

I turned to Lisa "By the way, where's Lilith?"

"She died?" Relief washed over me, but not so much.

"Can I go see Blake?" she sighed and nodded.

She gave me some clothes, I put them on, then she started to lead me to a room.

"Here it is" She stopped in a black door.

I took a deep breath to calm myself, my heart was beating fast, I was sweating like crazy.

As I slowly started to open the door, somebody tackle me to the floor.

"Nala!!! I tought you were kidnapped by this horrible people!" Oh god, can this day get any worse?

(A/N Brooke's nickname it's Nala for Jenna :P)

The two guards growled and started to move closer, but I stopped them.

"Hey Jenna, no time no see" I said faking excitement.

How do I start? Well I met Jenna in the forest, she started attacking me like a ninja, because she thought I was a bad werewolf, then she started traveling

with me (and I did not ask her too), she talked to much and annoyed me that I told her that we were gonna play hid and seek, when she hid I ran... and since that day, I had never seen her, and have lived in peace and quiet, until now.

I'm a rogue, he's an Alpha, did I mention he's my mate?Where stories live. Discover now