Chapter 7 'Don't die'

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Ok people... was up?

I know, I know it's been like forever!! but school is being evil (Like always >:O)

anyway if you haven't read Fantasyluvr96 stories, YOU SHOULD READ IT, THEY ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!! XD

and Mrz1028 are awesome TOO XD

anyway... this is short... sorry.

hope you enjoy! :D


Chapter 7

Lisa POV

I watched in horror as Blake, Parker, Brooke and Lilith fighted.

Blake was covered in blood, Parker too, none of them showing pain.

Brooke's white fur was full of blood, her and Lilith's blood. She looked like a demon who's been released from hell.

Lilith was covered in blood too, she was panting. By the looks of it she's going to die, she is too weak to heal herself.

"Mom! Stop this! Please their going to kill themselves" I whimpered, mom was looking in horror as dad grabbed Blake's neck and started sinking he's teeth's.

Normal POV (Brooke)

Hearing your mate's screams of pain, it's worst that your pain, feel like your soul is being reaped in two. I almost broke down crying, but I stayed strong and did something stupid (A/N well it's not stupid :P)

I ran to Lilith who was struggling to stand, when she saw me running, her eyes widen and she whimper. Pathetic.

I pushed her with as much as force I could muster; she went flying to the wall.

I kept running to were my love one was.

When I reached them, I jumped on Parkers back and bit it as hard as I could.

I could taste he's blood, it tasted disgusting.

But I didn't care I just wanted him dead.

He growled and dropped Blake, turning to me, he grabbed me by my paw and sinked he's teeth.

I heard and felt the bone crack; I yelped in pain and felt to the ground.

"You're weak. You shouldn't have come here, rogue. I see trough you're reflects, I know you want Blake for he's Alpha power" He growled and stepped on my neck.

Blake growled so low, I could barely hear it.

"Bye" Parker said.

"Stop it all of you!!" Maria cried, stopping Parker from killing me, he glared at her, but when he looked at her face, he's face changed to hurt, pain and apology.

Maria turned around and started to run up the stairs.

Parked looked at us, glared, and then follow he's mate up the stairs.

As soon as I was out of sight, I got up, pain hitting me like bullets everywhere in my body.

I started to limp over to were Blake was. When I got there I collapsed, my face in he's neck, were he's wound was, covering (A/N is that the word? O.o o.O)

part of my face with he's blood.

"Don't die, I started to like you, or even more" I whimpered, as soon as I say it, everything went black.


So what ya think?? O.o o.O

anyway, I'm writing chapter 8 now, but I don't think I can post it today, but I'll try.

You can always tell me your option of how you want the story to go, if I like it I may do it :D

but do go and be 'I want you to do this and that, it will be better' that makes me angry >:O

But you can go 'I think if you' or 'It would be awesome' or something more...

anyway, comment, vote, and be my friend XD

I'm a rogue, he's an Alpha, did I mention he's my mate?Where stories live. Discover now