Chapter 27 'New problems'

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So you just send me a private message with the name you want it to have, age, actitude, looks, what you want to be (best friend, enemy, ect...) and whatever more you want.

Then you just wait until the sequel is posted and you will be there, lol

Thank you everybody for all the names you gave, I will problary use some more for other stories I have in mind ;)

now go and read... whatever this chapter may be... did that just rhyme? O.O anywho READ XP


Chapter 27 ‘new problems’

Lavi Damson Skynight

Brittany Damson Skynight

Kanda Damson Skynight

Does are the wonderful names.

It’s been a day, since I got out of the freaking stinky hospital and do you remember the bet Blake and I did? The one of the diapers? Of yes that one and let me tell you, I enjoy making him suffer ;)

“Blake! Lavi needs a changy!” I chocked out as the smell hit my nose, my POOR NOSE!

“You got to be kidding me, again, this is the third time, damn this is torture” HE complained grabbing Lavi.

“Oh yes suffer” I laughed while feeding Brittany.

“You’re evil” He said sitting next to me with Kanda and Lavi, when he finished changing him.

“Oh I know, but you love it”

“I do?” he asked making me glare at him.

“Kidding” He chuckled.

“Hey oldies” Jenna said appearing out of nowhere.

“Oldies?” I asked.


“What does that mean?”

“Means your old” she stuck her tongue at us.

“I am not old.” I glared at her.

“You maybe aren’t but Blake is” She laughed as Blake frowned.

“Why am I old?” He asked.


“Because?” he raised an eyebrow.

“That’s my answer, dummy” she laughed louder, waking Kanda up, Kanda woke Lavi up and Lavi woke up Brittany, great.

“You got to be kidding me” Blake and I groaned at the same time, we at last got them to take a nap, and she had to wake them up.

“Sorry!” Jenna said.

“Sorry isn’t helping” I glared at her.

“Fine! I’ll help!” she said grabbing Kanda.

Hours later…

We finally had them asleep again, and now me and Blake are laying in the couch, me on top of him, trying to sleep, but like always something always doesn’t let us.

“Sir, ma’am, there’s a problem-well a big and bad one, I guess” A guard said.

“What is more horrible than hearing babies cry” I said with my eyes close.

“It’s about Parker and the War demons” that instantly got us up and look at him, waiting for the news or whatever.

“Well Ashley came by and told us something before she left the other day, we didn’t thought is was a big deal so we didn’t tell you anything. But then yesterday-”

“What the Ashley told you?” I asked cutting him off.

“Um… she saw Parker talk to the leader of the war demon. So like I was saying, yesterday he came with a man, I didn’t recognize he’s scent, they came and went to your room-”

Blake cut him off by grabbing him by the arm and led him outside me closely behind.

When we were outside he shouted “THEY WHAT?! HOW COULD YOU LET THEM IN!!”

Everyone that was outside silently bowed and walked as far as possible, feeling their Alpha power getting out.

“T-they say they had a meeting with you, I told them you were at the hospital and they said that they will wait, I silently follow them, checking if they really went to the meeting room but they didn’t, I told them that it was better if they leave, but Parker growled at me and demanded me to shut up and leave, so I did, he still has a little of power over us since he was our alpha”

“Wasn’t the beta suppose to be there?!”


“ANSWER ME!” Blake roared.

“What’s wrong sir?” John, the beta came from the house, just in time Johny.

Blake turned to him “Where were you yesterday?!” Blake demanded.

“I was patrolling then I went to check the houses-”

“Don’t lie to me!” Blake growled grabbing him by the shirt.

“I’m not”

“Then tell me, did Parker came and took some papers I had for him?” I lied.

He nodded “Yes and Maria told me to say that she’s happy t-” he got cut off by a punch in the face.

“Liar, what I said was a lie” I hissed.

“Take him to the basement” Blake orders at the guard.

“You can’t do this! I’m the beta” HE growled.

“Correction WERE” I smirked as the guard took him away.

“Go and fetch Lisa, you and her watch the babies, I’ll come back when I finish with him” HE said, kissed me on the cheek and walked off.

When I found Lisa I told her to watch them, while I went to Blake and mines room.

Let’s see what they did.

I'm a rogue, he's an Alpha, did I mention he's my mate?Where stories live. Discover now