Chapter 14

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This is shortttt but it has some information so it's important XP

Now read! Lol


Chapter 14

"I-I can't do this" I sobbed, hiding my face in my hands.

"You can't do what? Does something hurt?" He asked.

"I can't do this! I can't be here with you! I was never ment(??) to have a mate! I was never ment to have pups!"


"I'm a danger to your pack, to everyone, whoever I'm with will die when they come, the time is now, I can't be with you, I'm sorry." I cry.

"Whatever it is, we can work it together-"

"You don't understand Blake"

He pulled my face up so I could see he teary eyes. "Then make me understand" He whisper.

We were like this, looking at each other's eyes for a minute, then I sighed and said "Alright, I'll tell you the whole story, but I'm repeating once so do not

interrupt me"

I sighed again 'here we go'

"I come from the War Demons pack, have you ever heard of them?" I asked.


"Good. So anyway, as the name of the pack says, we love blood, we love war. They are always looking for war, making war, no one can stop them nor kill

them, they are full of power, more powerful than an Alpha, some werewolves say we are part demon that's why we are like this, but you never know, maybe

it's true." I shrugged

"When the pups are born, they are thrown to a cage, killing they're mother. Yes, they kill their own members, anyway, the pups who are born, they check them if they look weak, they get killed, the other who survive get a number, and that's their name. The female are use for reproducing and the males for fighting, since I had so much power they put me with the males to fight. When they are 1 year old, they start to get mission, some of them die in their mission. When they are 18 they join the pack-"

"Can they not join the pack?" He asked interrupting me.

"They get kill, now let me finish this!. As I was saying, they join the pack, but this year apparently something happen and we were released, they told us that in ten years they will come for us and we will have the greatest war no one has ever seen" I said.

"That's why I can't be here, Blake. If I stay here, I'm putting everyone at risk" I said.

"You're not going anywhere without me" He growled.

"This is none of your business Blake" I glared at him.

"Your business is my business" He said.

"No, your business is YOUR business, mine is MINE" I told him.

"We are mates, so my business is yours and yours is mine" He replays back.

With once last glare I changed (A/N changed clothes, not shifted XP) and walked outside without looking back.

As I was walking down the street, I found a black cellphone on the floor, as I passed it, it started to ring. Huh? Should I get it? A freak it.

I grabbed it from the floor and put it in my ear.

"Hello number 12, we meet again." The scary dark voice that I have always hated whispers.

"What do you want?" I growled.

"What do you think I want?" He laughed " I want to see the pups I created"

"Leave us alone" I snarled.

"Since you're my favorite one and helped me get number 6 more easy, I will let you have 9 months of freedom" He said.

"Wait! What? Where is number 6?" I hissed.

"Don't disappoint me by running off" He said ignoring my question and hanged up.

As hard as I could I threw the phone, it hit a wall, breaking in more than 5 pieces.

Kneeling on the floor, I cried.

I cried because I couldn't save number 6, I cried because I'm weak, I cried because of what I'm going to put my child in and last, I cried because I lost hope

of everything.


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I'm a rogue, he's an Alpha, did I mention he's my mate?Where stories live. Discover now