Chapter 24 'The Meeting'

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Well dudes.... I..... HAVE NOTHING TO SAY LOl

Now go and read XP



Chapter 24 'The meeting'

1 month later… 2 months before Brooke gives birth

Blake POV (yes love me LOL)

“So you’re telling us, you need our help, fighting the War Demon?” Zolan the alpha from the Vollege pack asked.

“Yes, if we don’t end it there, we will all die; we need each others to stop them, we all now we can’t do it alone.” I said.

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea” Scar said, he is the Alpha from the Beastcold pack, he is always the negative one, and the hardest one to convince.

“Blake is right, Scar, we all know that the War demons are different from us” Domo agreed with me.

“Different how?” Colvien asked, he is the Alpha from the Kamui pack.

“They are more powerful and more experience, they have no fear, they love to kill, while we have fears and do not love to kill” Domo explained.

“I do not know if I will agree to this, I have never heard of them before and they have not tried anything with us” Scar said.

“And you are going to let us be killed by them? Domo and my pack can’t do it alone, they are millions, while we are what? Three hundred?” I growled.

Scar sighed “How do you know, they are millions?” He asked.

“Don’t act like you don’t know anything, Scar. We are know you been attacked by them, almost killed your mate and that’s why you don’t want to be in this.” Alpha Kieran said appearing from the dark corner with Keir the beta, making me almost jump. Kieran is the Alpha of the Shadow pack, he is the oldest and scariest alpha in this place, everyone says he made a deal with a witch or the devil and he can use dark magic, you can’t hide secrets from him, he will find a way to know it. They too say he’s pack has a little of he’s magic too, but they can’t use it, the magic only help them live longer than us, but they still die.. He’s dark smile says it all, that he is telling the truth.

In order he is the oldest and second powerful Alpha in here, since he uses dark magic, I am the first since I came from the first werewolves in the world makes me most powerful in here, then comes Scar, Domo, Colvien and last Zolan. Kieran is the oldest with 55, Colvien with 47 Scar with 35, Domo 35, Zolan 27 and me 19.

“Don’t talk about my mate, Kieran” Scar growled.

“Then don’t lie Scar, you know they are more than hundreds, you’ve seen them, I’ve seen them, we all have seen them, running around, waiting for their pray” Kier snapped.

“Calm down Keir” Kieran order.

“Sorry sir” Keir apologies.

“I will join in, for the sake of my pack, nothing else.” Colvien said.

“I will join to end this madness”  Zolan agree.

“Scar?” Kieran asked.

Scar sighed “I will not join it, I will bring some help, I am not leaving my mate” He said.

“Alright, that’s good” I nodded.

“Then we are settler” Kieran smile.

“We will fight when my mate gives birth to my pups, I will let her be with them for one week, then we will go, so be prepare” I said.

They nodded

“Then meeting is close” They all got up and walked out the door, leaving me there looking at the floor and thinking.

“You know, it’s not going to be easy leaving your kids to go to war, and it will be harder for your mate” A voice appeared from the back making me jump.

I turned to look at Kieran “I know, but we don’t have a choice” I sighed running a hand trough my hair.

“Watch out something bad will happen in the future, and your family won’t get out of it easy” He whisper and disappear out the door.

I stayed for a minute looking at the door, trying to find a meaning to what he said, but found none.

Shaking my head I walked out the room to look for my mate to have her in my arms.

Brooke POV

While the Alphas were having a meeting, we Alpha female were having a meeting in secret.

Scar’s mate couldn’t come since she is in the hospital, nor Keiran mate.

We were listening to what our mates were talking about.

“We will fight when my mate gives birth to my pups, I will let her be with them for one week, then we will go, so be prepare” As Blake said that all the girls gasped.

“One week? Your going with him? You can’t!” Maria exclaimed.

I looked down ashamed “I need to go, I have no choice” I whisper.

“Of course you have a choice! The male Alphas are the one who fight we only control the pack when they are not here” Kaala said, she’s Zolan mate.

“You don’t understand, The War Demons are after me! If I don’t go, they will come here, and I can’t risk that, my kids will be in danger!” I said.

“They won’t let them come” Camille said, she’s Colvien mate.

“You don’t know what the War demons can do, they will destroy everything in their path, just to find what they are looking for.” I harshly said.


“I think you should all go, my mate ended the meeting” I said, more like an order.

They quickly gave me a hug and then walked away.

I sat there thinking, am I really doing the right thing? Leaving my kids to fight?

‘Yes you’re doing the right thing’ Snow said.

Two minutes after and the door open.

I silently looked up and saw Blake walking towards me.

“What’s wrong? Did somebody hurt you? does your stomach hurt? Are you in pain?” Blake worriedly asked, wiping me tears away, weird I didn’t even know I was crying.

“I don’t think I can’t do it” I whimpered hugging him.

“Do what, love?” Blake asked hugging me back.

“Leaving my kids to fight”


So what you think?? O.o

Hope you liked it XP

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