Chapter 10

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Ok first of all.... I'M SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG! but! I don't always have time to write...DON'T WORRY I'M NOT QUITTING!! I'm not a quitting person, I hate giving up!

Anyway I have been busy, VERY BUSY! look what I do the weekends:

5:30am-7:10am= I wake up and get dressed up for school.

8:00am-4:00pm= Hellhole- Er I mean school

4:00pm-5:00pm= I go home, take a bath, eat.

5:00pm-6:00pm(Sometimes more)= Homework

6:00pm-7:00pm- Break dance

7:00pm-8:00pm- I practice boxing

8:00pm-9:00pm- I eat again and take a bath.

9:00pm-10:00pm- TIRED AS HELL, but I write a little.

10:00pm-5:30am- I pass out in bed LOL

see how beautiful is my routine? lol

anyway go on and read.

oh and THANKS Fantasyluvrs96 FOR DESCRIBING ... SOMETHING (hehehe Not spoiling :P)


Chapter 10

It's been a month and a half seen Blake went into a coma, A FREAKING MONTH AND A HALF!!!




"WHAT THE HELL?!?!!?" I shouted touching my now red check.

"By the looks of it you were freaking out in your mind, and something told me to do that, sorry" Lisa apologies.

"Urgh, it's alright" I said.

"Why don't you go and check him, I'll be there in a minute"

"Ok" I silently whisper walking up the stairs and into where Blake was.

When I open the door, what I saw shocked me and brought me tears.

There, in the room, in the bed, there was... nothing, NADA!

Buttt next to the bed was... a... standing hot Blake! (A/N Ha! Thought he was dead, eh? LOL)

"Bl-ake?" I whisper, locking eyes with he's, he smile that handsome smile I missed so freaking much.

I ran and jumped in he's waiting arms, Tears of happiness slipping out of my eyes without permission (bastards)

He hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead

After like 4 minutes of hugging him and crying, I pulled away, and punched him as hard as I could in he's chest.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Ohh how I missed he's voice.

"That was for leaving me in charge" I glared at him.

Suddenly he pulled me back to him, my breath caught in my throat and I felt my heart beat quicken. Every part of me wanted this, and yet I couldn't get myself

to move that inch. Our breaths mingled together, his warmth sending chills up my spine.

His eyes were halfway closed as he was fixed on my lips. He looked so vulnerable there, just unmasking everything with the thought of kissing me. He

brought his hand up and over my neck before resting so he caressed my cheek. Then our lips met.

He was gently but passionate all at once and I wrung my arms loosely around his neck, getting closer to his toned body.

I moaned and he took that chance to slide his tongue in, stroking and battling mine. My wolf wanted more of him and I tightened my arms around him, and kissed him deeper, giving me and my wolf what we wanted.

I think I lo-

BAM! Someone open the door making us jump and pull apart "Hows Bla-" she stopped as she saw us, why Lisa always has to interrupt us......

"Blake!" She screamed and ran to him and jumped in he's arms (Like I did -.-)

Hours later of us asking him questions and everyone welcoming him back.

Me, Blake, Allen and Jenna headed to Basking Robin (Such a wonderful place ;) )

As me and Blake waited for Allen and Jenna in the table, Blake pulled me to he's lap, laying he's head in my shoulder, breathing in my scent.

"You smell so good" He whispers while kissing my neck, I had the urge to moan, but I sure as hell didn't!

To tease him I started to rub my a$$ in he's you know what, and it was getting TOO excited, if you know what I mean ;)

He's grip on my waist tighten.

"If you don't want me to take you right now, I subjects you stop" He growled.

I giggle (Man! What the freaks did I drink?)

"Ok you two love birds, here are your Ice creams" Jenna said, putting our Ice cream in our table, while sitting in front of us with Allen, did I forgot to tell you that they are mates? Well yea they are :P

"Can't I have another thing?" Blake groaned pulling me closer, if that was possible, we laughed.

"Hey Allen, can you get me a spoon?" I asked him.

"Get it yourself" He mumble, I smile evilly and turned to Blake.

"Hey Blake, did you know that Allen tr-"

"I'll get it" He said rushing to look for one, hehehe I'm evil >:D

"What hour is it?" I asked Jenna.

"9:35" She answer.

Allen came back with my spoon, hehehe.

"Thanks" I smile, he glared at me and sat back down.

We talked until it was 10:45, we needed to go home because they were going to close, so we went home.

When we got there, I hurried upstair, grabbed some PJ and went to the bathroom.

When I finished taking a shower and dressed up I walked out to find Blake sitting in the bed, he was looking at me, with hungry eyes, I felt an urge to go and

run, make him chase me.

He appeared behind me "Your scent... got stronger... and it smell... so good" He whisper and ran he's tongue in my neck.

I giggle and without thinking, I shifted, running out the door, down the stairs, into the forest, I could feel him behind me.

Suddenly I couldn't feel him behind me anymore, but I kept running.

Something jumped in my back; making me fall and stop running, I turned around, showing my belly to him.

"Got you" He growled, and we both shifted at the same time...


what's wrong with them? O.o o.O

Is she drunk? is she crazy?? O.o o.O

or most importantly.... are----UPPPSSSSSSS I almost say something I didn't have to sayyyyyyy :P

anyway I hope you liked it :D


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