Sixteen: The Darkness Before Dawn

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"What's a vampire's favorite holiday? Fangs-givings!"
~ Ashton Anderson


Wednesday marked the start of the fourth and last week of my transition days. I noted that my food tasted less flavorful than usual, and that scared me. I bought all my favorite cakes and sushi, then spent a fortune at fast food restaurants. I was officially broke for the rest of the month.

I jotted down these little details in my diary, phrasing them as food cravings instead of the truth. I poured out a lot of emotions in my diary since I had no one to talk to. I tucked the journal into the far corner of my drawer.

On Thursday, people at school visibly began to treat me differently. At first, they were still discreet about it, but now, it flat out looked like everyone was extra cautious to never piss me off.

On Friday, Arthur gave me a notice that Alecx's and Kaydence's graduation day was on Saturday. I didn't prepare for it, so I found the dress I wore to the school dance two years ago and decided to go with that in matching heels.

Saturday was my day of embarrassment and possible humiliation. Attendees dressed ceremonially, but I was too formal. A simple everyday dress and flats would've been peachy. Now I couldn't shake off the feeling that there were eyes on me.

"You made it!" Kaydence crashed into me, and Alecx gave me a light, friendly hug. I congratulated the two. I felt a bit sour inside, but more of me was proud of them for their achievement.

Upon graduating from training, they'd be Second Classes for the next six months and learn from an Elitist.

More than anything, I began to worry for Kaydence. She had an entire musical future planned for herself. This whole vampire hunter job seemed quite time-consuming, was she okay with that?

"Congratulations, Kaydence. You earned it." I turned my head to Henrietta's voice. Her presence always sent a tremor down my spine. Perhaps it was her intimidating aura from her bitter past. Henrietta practically spent the whole ceremony speaking to Kaydence.

I spent practically the whole ceremony enjoying the desserts.

Alecx went around with Arthur to meet his future superiors, so I was left alone. I finished a piece of coconut cake, then glanced around for the napkins. Someone handed some to me.

I saw that it was Jeremy, and I mumbled thanks while accepting his offer. I took a while to clean my mouth as he muttered, "After today, we'll be official hunters. Do you think we're cool? Saviors of humanity?"

He turned to me in a joking manner. I responded quietly, "I don't know all that much about vampires and vampire hunters. I don't have an opinion."

"To be honest, me neither," Jeremy said. "Humans once killed all the wolves in a forest because they were preying on the deer. But then, deer began to multiply rampantly, and there were no predators to control their numbers. Plants in the forest began to die and wither away as the food demand increased and increased. In the end, humans had to release wolves into the wild to achieve equilibrium in nature."

Did he just compare wolves and deer to vampires and humans? I tried not to make a face as I nodded. "Interesting analogy."

Jeremy pressed his lips into a thin line and turned his head toward the stage, where several members of the stage crew hustled around to prepare. I didn't understand why he liked talking to me so much. I wasn't a responsive person, and we barely knew each other.

"Do you think it's possible for vampires and humans to coexist?" Jeremy asked suddenly.

"Perhaps," I responded without hesitation, surprising him and myself. Since when did I think it's possible to live with those monsters?

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