Thirty-Four: Anagnorisis

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"I will continue to fearlessly love in a blood-drenched world."
~ Hazel Dawson


Exactly what happened twelve years ago?

Zach laced his fingers through mine and transferred images of his memory to me. It was like watching a shaky phone-filmed movie. Since he collected memories from several people's points of view, the screen often went black for a split second due to the individual's blinking.

Everything transitioned into my brain as if they were my own memories. It only took a few seconds to review it, but as I did, it felt like I was there.

I could almost reach the hands of my parents and take them away from death.

I was six. My parents had told me they were going on a ski trip and that I was too young to go with them. They left me under Arthur's care for the next few days. I always loved Arthur like a real uncle, so I didn't mind.

My young mind just didn't expect that that was the last time I'd ever see my parents.

From there, the flashbacks stemmed from my memories to others'.

A driver nodded at mom and dad as they climbed into a car. The view of the next half hour was focused on the road, which gradually covered in snow as they traveled. I could hear my parents' conversation.

Apparently, there were reports of vampire group attacks in a town near these mountains. Devyn wasn't assigned this investigation, but he was concerned, and since the location wasn't too far, he decided to take it up. Mihaela requested to go with him. It was the first time she asked to participate in his job. And the last time.

Perhaps fate wanted them to die together.

After dropping off the couple, the driver waited by the foot of the mountain. His memory scenes ended there, as he never got to see anything more.

The next person was the town mayor. And she literally couldn't take her eyes off of my dad's face.

Mom quickly got annoyed, and she straightforwardly told her, "Please stop ogling at my husband. He was claimed a long time ago."

"Ah, I'm sorry!" She darted her eyes around the snow, panicking. Even from the shaky views, I could tell that dad was trying very hard not to laugh.

I understood how their love formed a bit better.

"Ma'am, when were the vampires last sighted?" He cleared his throat and asked in a professional tone of voice.

After a short exchange of information, the couple headed further up the snowy mountain. By examining the damage that had been done, an estimated number of at most five vampires was calculated.

It was nothing a renowned Chief and Pureblood couldn't handle.

The mayor watched as they threaded through the thickening snow. She followed them for a bit to make sure that they didn't slip on the way up. But before she could watch them go up further, someone called her, and she left to help. If she had just stayed for a few minutes longer, she could've witnessed the killer follow the couple up the mountain.

The next perspective was that of a speedy vampire weaving through the woods. Two others were in front of him, and around a dozen more followed behind. I didn't recognize any of them.

The first three of the group were undeniably fast, but Devyn had sensed their presence seconds before they could get anywhere close to him.

With the spear that I'd become so familiar with, he fought the vampires off without too much effort.

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