You Didn't Mention This

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I walk outside from my dorm and give a huge yawn. I'd had to stay up a while longer quizzing Lonnie, then I'd had to go find someone to take me to my Mom's castle for a new pair of gloves. When I told her about my old ones shattering, she'd gone a grayish color. 

"Oh, please. No. Anything but that." She'd whispered. But when I asked her what she meant, she'd forced a smile and waved the worry away. She'd found me another pair of gloves, but these are a deep midnight blue that only barely reach past my wrists. I sigh and tug on them. At least they match my cheer outfit better. 

I cross the courtyard, tugging on my limp hair to try and hide my face better. Word of my Audrey and Jane's encounter with me spread like wildfire. I can see people hiding their mouths behind their hands as I walk. I feel like a dead weight has been shoved onto my shoulders. It wasn't my fault! 

I drop down at a table and observe people by their lockers. I recognize Mal, and Jay when he comes over. He stands by her and says something that makes her very mad. She yells at him then snaps in his face. But he grins and walks away again. Weird. I don't think I'll ever get these kids. Then I notice Audrey talking to Ben, gesturing to the girls crowding around Jay's outstretched hands and yelling thanks at Mal. Ben says something that Audrey interrupts. She pecks his cheek and walks away again. Mal slams her locker shut and says something that makes Ben laugh. Mal holds up a baggie with what looks like a cookie inside. She and Ben exchange a few words before she takes the cookie out of the bag and starts to eat it. He snatches it away and takes a huge bite. Ouch. He's going to regret that during the game. 

Then I notice the other VK's crowding up to him. I get up to take a closer look. I stand just underneath the locker area. 

"...Warm, sweet...Mal, have you always had those little golden flecks in your eyes?" he asks. I cover my mouth to stop a laugh. That's a little forward!

"How ya feeling, bro?" Jay asks. 

"I feel...I feel... I feel like... Like singing your name! MAAL! MA--" The 'Mal's' are cut off and muffled all of the sudden. Jay and Carlos lead Ben away to the game and I swing myself up over the bars. 

"Evie! Mal! What did you do to Ben?" I ask. They both look guilty. 

"Um...You heard that?" Evie asks. 

"Um, cha. I'm pretty sure the whole school heard the MAL'S!" I snicker. "How did you get him to do that? It was hilarious! I mean, I feel kinda bad for Ben. But still!"

They both look relieved. "You're not mad?"

"Of course not! Give me whatever you used so I can use it on Chad! Except maybe I'll make him sing somebody else's name." I shudder. "He's not exactly nice to me."

Evie looks solemn. Crud, I forgot about her crush! "Hey Evie, maybe we could make Chad like you!" I suggest.

She brightens a tiny bit. "I suppose. But we only made the one batch of cookies, and your tear was hard enough---ow!" She complains when Mal elbows her.

I roll my eyes. "Come on, guys. I figured you used the tear for a potion or something. Normal people don't flick tears into cookie bowls."

"You knew?" They both exclaim. 

"Cha! But don't worry... Even if I did tell someone, they wouldn't exactly believe me right now." I try to make it a joke, but Evie reaches over and hugs me anyway.

"I heard about last night. Don't worry, Mal was scheming last night. She'll come up with something eventually!"

"E!" Mal says. "I'm not scheming, we've got better stuff to do! Not that I won't get them back," she promises. "I'm just more focused on other stuff right now."

Elicia's Ice-A Descendants Novel BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now