Harry Hook's Horrible (Something That Means Confession That Starts With "H"!)

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Before I start----I have an announcement. 

There will be this chapter and two more after this before THIS section of Ellie is finished with. I'm going to be at 70 chapters then, and I'd like it if I rounded it off in a good solid number. 

After I finish the next three chapters, I will be starting a NEW Elicia, in which I will continue Ellie's story with some more of my own story-spins (MAYBE Under The Sea) and Descendants 3. 

Since I am super busy, and I can't think of a good title, I wanted to ask you guys. If you think you have a good title for Ellie's new book, comment! I want to hear ideas!

The only problem will be, my school has blocked Wattpad on MY computer, so I have to use my father's computer for this stuff. Aaaand, since it's HIS computer, not mine...I don't have access to MY drive. Anything I save will go to HIS, not mine. And I'm not sure he'd appreciate a bunch of snowflake/fire/Hades/KillerFrost/Descendants stuff crammed into his drive. 

So...After I find the right title and everything... it will still be just a blank background. 

(In theory, I COULD give my password to someone with access to a drive, and THEY could do it...But I don't want to do that. Then whoever got my password could get sneak peeks in Ellie chapters!)

(...and hack my account. Boo!)

Anyway. I've prolonged this enough.

Hope you guys enjoy!


"Only one more problem." Endora says. 

"Yeah!" Carlos says. "We need to get back to being HUMAN!"

Endora scratches her chin. "Welllllllllllllll....Do we really?"

"Yes!" Every boy yells.

She laughs and holds her hands up in surrender. "I was kidding!"

I roll my eyes with Sera's arm twitching over my shoulder as she laughs. "Very funny, Endora. But I would like my boyfriend to be normal size, not twice my height. And not covered in fur."

"What fun would Carlie be if half of it was Fur-lie?" Sera snickers. 

"Sera!" Carlos complains. 

I laugh with her, completely as ease now that she's back. I mean, sure. My boyfriend is still furry and gigantic, but Sera is back! For good, hopefully. 

Everything has changed since she's come back. Suddenly everything is one big joke again, and we no longer fret over every little thing. Even the boys seem a bit less grumpy about their Beast-y-ness. 

Brit giggles. "I have to say, I enjoy seeing everyone complaining about how itchy they are."

"Brit!" Half the room exclaims.

We all crack up in laughter. Endora waves her wand. "Seriously, though, we need to figure out how to fix you guys."

"We've been ignoring it for a bit." Carlos agrees.

"Aw, c'mon, you guys were just givin' me a welcome home!" Sera giggles girlishly, shoving me playfully.

I laugh, shoving her back. "How can you blame us? You've been gone for a year!"

"So have you, Icy." She teases, tugging on my blue bang.

I slap her away, grinning. Endora rolls her eyes at us. "You two are almost as bad as Carlie, here." She gestures to Carlos.

Elicia's Ice-A Descendants Novel BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now