Letting Go, For The First Time In Forever

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"Ellie! Ellie! Ellie, come on! Please wake up!"

What the heck? Why am I so cold? My skin feels like it's in ice! What is going on? I register that my breaths are coming in shallow gasps, and I cough. It shakes my body, rattling down my throat painfully. But my chest clears and I roll over wherever I am, spitting up salty water. 

I finally clear my lungs enough to gag at the taste. "Ugh." I groan, reaching up to my head. It's pounding almost as bad as when Harry knocked me out. Someone puts a hand on my shoulder. 

"Ellie? You okay?"

I crack my eyes open just enough to see I'm on the floor of a limo. Judging from now I'm lying, I was on the seat but I rolled off. Evie has her hand on my shoulder. I give a scratchy laugh. "Check back in a few years." I tell her, sitting up against the side of the limo. 

Everyone in the limo gives a sigh of relief. Carlos takes my hand. "Are you okay?"

I wave him off. "I'm fine. Feel like someone just used my head as a drum, but other than that, just peachy!" I groan and sit up the rest of the way, grinding both hands into my forehead. "What happened?"

Everyone looks at Carlos. It's only then that I notice he and I are the only ones who are soaked. 

"What happened?" I repeat.

Carlos clears his throat. "Well, um, after the Hanses threw you over, I kinda dove in after you. Took me a minute to find you, because you sunk like a rock. But when I did find you, you had already been down there for a while. But, you, um.... Well."

"Remember the coronation?" Jay asks from the driver's seat.

"Yeah, I froze." I say. 

"You did it again. Except this time, it put you in a coma." he explains.

I look down at my hand. "And let me guess, once you got me out, if wore off?"

"Yeah." Jay pulls the remote out and pulls the golden road up. We all flinch when we pass through.

"So, wait. Let me get this straight. I was in a coma sort of thing? Because I got the gloves off?"

Carlos nods. "Be glad you got those off, because I'm not sure if you would have made it otherwise."

"That's not creepy at all." Dude remarks. 

"Wait, how can you talk?" I ask. "The wand was fake, right? Or did Uma just snap FG's wand in half?"

"I ate a truth gummy! It was nasty!" Dude says. 

"Why did you have a truth gummy?" I question.

Carlos covers his dog's mouth. "No reason!"

Evie laughs, but Mal and Ben just stare out the windows. What happened while I was out? Did they fight again?

"Get ready guys." Jay says. "We're back."

He pulls up in front of Auradon Prep and lets us out. It's so weird being back in the bright sun and happy faces having just come back from literally almost dying. We walk across the grass and Lonnie waves. "I'll get these back to the gym." She hoists the swords higher and walks away. 

"Thanks." Jay tells her.

"See you later."

Mal is walking with her arms crossed, looking dejected. Things really didn't go her way. Or mine. Sad as it is to say, I really felt good being on the Isle. I really did. 

"Ben!" Jane comes over. "There you are! Cotillion is tonight! C'mere." She shows him the stained-glass window of Mal. "Look. This is the stained glass window for Mal. Isn't it beautiful? She's gonna love it!" Jane jumps up and down in giddiness.

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