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"Someone talking"
Someone thinking

First person P.O.V

I was a new... Er... Simi-new comer to New York. My family and I had just moved here about two months ago.
Two months ago when I still had my family with me. I don't remember the night very well but I remember a higher jumping though the window and then my mother telling me to hide. Afterwords I remember going out of my hiding place and finding a finger and blood EVERYWHERE.

Of course i called the police and they investigated the house, but they found nothing. Ever since then I had be moving place to place to place.

I turn down an alleyway, I have go down this alleyway SEVERAL other times . That is in a the day time of course.... I don't like to be out at night.... Not here... Not anywhere.There is a longer way, But it is late and I just want to go find a place to sleep. So I take a shortcut.

"Well, well, well boys look who we got coming though our alley tonight." I jump. Surprised by the voice. Great, I think just great, I should have went the other way. A man in a black leather vest and sun glasses steps out in front of me.

"What'cha doing out here all by yourself beautiful?" The man smirks. "Get her boys."
It all happens in a flash, I'm pinned to the ground. My arms above my head but my legs still free.

"GET THE HELL OFF ME!!!!!!!!" I yell. "LET ME GO!!!!!!" The man with the vest on stuffs a sock in my mouth "Can it girl."

Damn it I never though I'd have to no this again. I muster up all the strength I can get in my legs, and the thrush them upward at full speed right into the man laying on me. I send him flying over my head and on to his back. I then quickly stand up spot out the sock and take off running.

"Hey!!!" One of the men shout "get back here!!!!!" I ignore him and run faster. I see a old fire escape. I wonder if I can still scale these things.... I hear foot steps behind me, no time to wonder (y/n) just do it!!!!! I take off running at full speed toward the fire escape and jump on the stairs at the last second. I wall jump all the way up to the roof. That, I tell myself, was WAAAAAAY to close. Well looks like i need to find a new place to sleep. I walk over to the ledge of the building and sit on it. This is going to be a loooooooong night.

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