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You names P.O.V

"So..... Where did you learn to move like that?" The blue guy asks me.

"When i was younger  i took up some of the after school martial arts classes, you know like Kung fu and ninjutsu." I paused for a moment " before we left, I was training to be a Kunoichi. I left half away though the training through......." I trailed off..." I was almost to the state of become a full Kunoichi...... Then we left."

"I wonder if......" the purple one started "Would you like to  continue it?"

"I don't see how that's possible.......  But ya if I had the chance I would."

The blue one smirks. "Our father could teach you, he taught us."

"I barely even know you."

"Do you want the training or not?!?"

I sigh. "Ya.....I do...... Ok let's go." I say as I start to do when ever I get happy, I start to hymn a song..... This time it was Someone like you by Adele
"Is that you?" Blue asks (I gave him a nickname)

"Hm?? Was what me?" I asked playing dum.

Purple rolled his eyes. "That was obviously you..." He smirks "your the only person here that sings."

"Well Ralph sings" blue states "he sings pretty good to."

"So does.. Um... We never introduced our self's.... Oops, I'm Donatello, you can call me Donny." He smiles

"I'm Leonardo, Leo for short." I smile at him "we also have to other brothers, there names are-"

"Let me guess..... Raphael and Michelangelo?"

"How did you-" Donny looks completely and utterly flabbergasted.

"I like to read." I shrug my shoulders "plus you called one of then Ralph, witch I'm guessing is short for Raphael." I might be small but there's no need to underestimate me.

"I guess that's logical." He said while shrugging his shoulders and jumping off the roof. Leo and I follow.

When we get to the bottom Leo walks over and lifts up a man hole cover.

"Yes!! The sewers!!!" I say excitedly

The two look at each other and laugh. "I was not expecting that kind of reaction!!" Leo chuckles.

"That was quite funny actually." Donny smiles at me.

I roll my eyes at the two. "I lived there for about 5 weeks once..... Well before it was flooded of course."

"Ew!!! That just sounds disgusting!!!!!!"

"Ya it was"

"Don if she wants to meet sensei we need to get a move on.." Leo interrupts.

"Ya Leo your right.... Come on (Y/N) we need to get going." I nod my head and watch the two jump down the sewer hole.

"Come on (Y/N)!!!!" One of the two shouts up.

"Gods!!! I'm coming!!!!" I respond as I jump on the ladder to pull the man hole cover back on to the hole. I start to clime down the ladder, and thankfully, due to me being half demon, my eyes against to the dark in less then 3 seconds.

I jump off the ladder and on to the ground.

"Took you long enough."

I punch his arm" shut up lame-a-rdo."

Donny laughs. "Is it just me or dose she act almost exactly like Ralph!"

"Who acts almost exactly like me?" A voice asks. Startled I allow my reflexes to take over, pushing the guy up against a wall with my silver dagger to his throat.

He smirks "Well hello gorgeous!"

OMG SOO SORRY I LEFT ON A CLIFFHANGER YOU GUYS!!!!!!!! I ran out of ideas!!!!! Anyways on another note on singing this song on my concert of spring!!!!! I'm trying out for a solo on it too you guys!!!!! I really hope I get it!!!!!! I also am going to try and update every week now!!!!  don't forget to comment and vote!!!

I'm a rocket ship!!!!!!

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