!!!! IMPORTANT!!!!

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So, I have no idea how many people will really look at this when they get the notification, but I news.

1.) I am in the process of rewiring this book.
2.) I will no longer be called The Hidden Demon, but rather The Reaper Hidden In The Meadow

3.) I have no idea when I will be finished with the first chapter, I hope to get it done by the end of this week. However, I don't think I will be posting it then..I'm going on a family trip and I do know if I'll have any thine to write.

And lastly

4.) I want to thank everyone for all there support when I came to this book! I really did enjoy writing this, however, this was also made when I had just started writing. I hope to improve the plot line as well as add some more character depth and maybe even some more characters.

With that I come to my next point.


I am looking for an editor for this book as well someone to help keep me on track and not forget about the new book. If you are willing to help me either dm me on Wattpad or on the discord chat below in the HELP WANTED part. If you don't have discord but still would.like the job, shoot.me a DM in here. Honestly tho if you could do it on discord that would be what's best for me. But what ever way works for you all!

I also need all of your help on making up new characters! My mind is pump out of ideas for characters so I figured, "HEY! Let's see if anyone wants their OC in the book!
Again, is you can, there is a part labeled CHARACTERS if you could please post you character on there following the outline.

Because I'm sure a few for you don't have discord will write this on here also.

I will post a outline on my conversation wall for this, and i must presser you all to know that this guide line must be followed as strictly as possible or else I may not be able to write your character into the book. When you are finished filling out the form if you could DM it to me. If I decide to write your character into the book I will send you a DM back so you know to look out for the next chapter. If there are a few blanks missing I understand, I will just have to DM you about it. It is a very long form but I made.it that way to get as much information as possible so I can make your OC as right as possible.

And one last thing, Im going to take a vote on what I should call you guys.
1.) My Inky Demons
2.) My Wonderful Weebaboos
3.) My Potatos
You choose!

Dues Broski's!
(P.s. I forgot to mention that the template was too big so it's on a chapter)

Discord server:

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2019 ⏰

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