Not an update.... But please read!,

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I know I should be working on the next captures for my story's.... But I just wanted to take a moment and remember what today is for American's. 

September 11th, 2001.

Thousands where killed.

First responders ran in while others ran out.

So many people died that blue skyed morning. 

So many people payed the ultimate sacrificed or the United States.

So please.... don't forget this day....

For the people who died in the buildings.......

For the people who brought the plane down in the field in Pennsylvania.......

For the ones who died in the pentagon.....

 For the First Responders that ran into the flames..... 

And most of all to Uncle Cody Smith, one of the people who where never found in the ruins of the towers. 

We salute you...... All of you

Thank you.


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