Last Time;

I kissed her.

(Y/N)'S P.O.V

(Y/N).exe has stopped responding.

That is literally how I am felling right now. HE JUST KISSED ME!!!!!!! HE IS KISSING ME!!!!! Um..... Gods!!! (Y/N) kiss him Back!!!! I did . Then I sort of went into autopilot. My hands started to snake around and to his head as I pulled myself up and wrapped my legs around him.

He licked my bottom lip. Asking for entry to my mouth. I denied it. Then I felt his hand snake up and grab my ass. I gasped. Then he punched his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues wrested for dominance for a few seconds before he won. He started to search my mouth.

I moaned.

Then he pulled backed. 

Ralph's P.O.V

As pulled back from (Y/N) I looked down at her face. It was almost the color of my mask. 

Then she looked at me. "Ralph I L-" She started but was cut off by a 


We both turned around at the speed of lightning.

There was a tiger standing right in front of us. 

It was Tigerclaw. I reached for my sai's.

He put his hands up in surrender. 

"Hold up turtle, I'm not here for a fight... I'm here to see my, Shisutā. (Sister)

"Huh?" I glance at (Y/N). "(Y/N).... whats he talking about???"

She looks at me and then back at the Fur-ball. 


He smiled. "Yes Shisutā, it is me." 

She growled. 

"Now, now sister... I mean no-"


"What do you-"


He looked hurt at this comment. "Shisutā, I am sorry. The metal headed one put something in my head.... He used my fatal flaw... Tempted me.... And I listened to him..." He looked at (Y/N).I only wish to have my little sister back."

(Y/N) looked at me. "Raphael, I wish to talk to my brother... alone."

I nodded before jumping away.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I watched as my crush run away. Then I turned to my brother. 

"Now what the hell do you want."

"I wish to live with you... I wish to have my old job and my little sister back... I wish to become... become a..... a Grim Reaper again."

I look down at my feet.

"(Y/N)... Can you... You know"

"Yes I can but..... it'll hurt you.... a lot."

He smiled, "I'm willing to do that for my sister."

I motioned for him to walk over. He stepped over to me and bent down. then I remembered. 

"I need Raphael ignorer to do this.


''He has one of the rings."


"My powers where getting to strong... My mate was near...."


Then I took a deep breath, "RAPHAEL!!!!!!!!!!!"


"What is it (Y/N)?"

"I need to you put you ring up against my collar."

"Umm.... Why."

I look up at him. Electric Green eyes met Blood Red.

"Im going to change TC back."

"WHAT!?!?" He yells taking a step back.

"Ralph, Please... I... I want my big brother back." I could feel my eyes start to water

He sighs before muttering, "Dam it, fine!! FINE!!"

Then he presses his ring to my neck. I feel my soul release a little as my core releases.

Then I lunge at Tiger-claw. I pull him down before biting down on his neck. He lets out a yell before gripping my shoulders so tight they start to bleed because of his claws. The I fell him start to grow smaller.

And smaller.

And smaller.

Until a mutant was no longer griping my shoulders. My older brother was, collar and all.

I unsink my teeth from his neck. He smiles at me. 

"(Y-Y-Y/N)." He smiles at me before passing out.

I lay him down on the ground before licking the blood off his neck. Then I smell something SUPER good. It smell sweet. Like chocolate and mints.

I turn toward the smell. It was coming from Ralph. 

My Brothers had been right. Raphael Hamato was my Mate. I smile at him as I meet his beautiful green eyes. I wipe the blood off my face. 

"Raphael," I say softly, I see him shiver. "Come here..... Please."

He walks over to me. When he stops in front of me I put my hand on his shell before wrapping my arms around his neck. I fell him wrap his arms around my waist before he picks me up. I wrap my legs around his sides. Then I nuzzle my nose into the cook of his neck. 

It feels so...... so.... Natural.

Like... Like I should have been doing this all along.

I feel Ralph start to play with my hair. 

I fell his breathing up against my ear. He nips at it before whispering,

"Please, (Y/N), be mine. Starting now and for forever."

The Hidden Demon (TMNT Ralph x reader)Where stories live. Discover now