Chapter 35

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I'm hurting.

Hurting real bad.

I'm like a lost puppy without her.

Damn it.

I wish I never met Shariah.

I wish I never cared about my follower count. I just want everything to be back to normal.

I just want her.

shariahtrue: You free later?

drew: Never speak to me again.

shariahtrue: Why the attitude lol

drew: Why the attitude? You ruined the best thing I had going for me.

shariahtrue: Wtf Irl didn't break up and if y'all did why would I break you guys up

drew: No. Not the band. Scarlett. We broke up because of you.

shariahtrue: Good for you I was wondering when you were going to end things with that skank

drew: She's not a skank. She was the best goddamn thing that's ever happened to me. And you ruined that.

shariahtrue: Me ruin things what do I have to do with this you're the one who cheated on her

drew: But if you hadn't set that trap we'd still be together.

shariahtrue: You fell in the trap

drew: Okay but you still set it. It would've been different if I had set it and you fell into it.

shariahtrue: I guess so where do you want to meet up tonight

drew: Meet up?? I never want to see you again! Leave me the hell alone.

shariahtrue: Playing hard to get I see

drew: Fuck off. I hate you.

*Block shariahtrue?*
*shariahtrue is now blocked.*

God I'm sick of her little mind games.

I just want Scarlett back.

Drew Ramos: I love you
Sent: 2:35
Read: 2:37

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