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Disclaimer:I only own the stories that are going to be in this fanfiction! Everything else like the artwork and anime belongs to people who made the artwork and Hiro Mashima!
Story 2

Natsu's P.O.V
This is so annoying! Why is Luce hanging out with a guy named Kikalori (do you get it old book veiwers, it's ok if you're new) or something like that anyways?! I thought. "Hey Flamebrain you ok, buddy?" My frenemy, Gray, said. "Yeah, why'd you ask, Popsicle?!" I replied back angrily. "Well first off you look like you're thinking, second you haven't started a fight the whole day!" He stated simply. "When have you've been so observant?!" I yelled. "Oh shut up, and where's Happy?" He replied back. "Happy is with Wendy and Carla on a mission, also don't tell me to shut up!" I explained crossing my arms. "So what's your problem, anyway?" He asked, grinning. "Ok why's Luce hanging out with what's his face?!" I asked glaring across the guild, where Kikalori was sitting with Luce. "Sorry dude we don't have a guy named what's his face in our guild, let alone hanging out with Lucy." Ice Cube said looking at me like I'm crazy. "I mean Kikalori you idiot of a Popsicle!" I shouted getting the whole guild's attention including Luce's. "Come on Ash For Brains lets talk somewhere else." Stripper says while grabbing me by the arm and slowly dragging me out of the guild, laughing awkwardly. "Hey Stripper let me go!" I complained. "Like dude first of all, it's Kikamori, second, what's wrong with him?!" He shouted letting go of my arm. "I'M JEALOUS OF HIM, OK!?" I finally shouted. "Ohhhh because you like Lucy, is that it?" Ice Pop said, now acting like Mira. "Yes......" I muttered. "What?" "I can't hear you?" Snow Cone teased. "YES!" I shouted which probably wasn't a good idea. "So what am I supposed to do?!" I begged. "Woah, Flame Breath, you're asking me for advice?" "Just ask her to go on a date!" He advised. "Yeah you're right!" "I'll do that right now!" I said cheerfully marching my way toward my Luce. "Hey, Luce do you want to go-" I was sudden cut off by, you guessed it, Kikalori. "Hey Lu do you want to go to a café with me? I need to ask you about the thing." The asshole said nervously. "Sure Mori, also don't worry about it!" She answered, then Kikalori walked off after saying, "Great!" "Pick you up at 6:00 P.M. "Anyway what did you want to say, Natsu? She now asked turning toward me. "Oh, uh do you want to hang out or something at the cherry blossom tree after the dat-I mean eating with Kikalori?" "Like at 7:45 P.M?" I asked freaking out that I almost said that she was going on a date with Kikalori, but thank Mavis I caught myself. She face palmed, blushing and told me a yes and then corrected me for thinking it's Kikalori but instead it's Kikamori. Crazy right?

Lucy's P.O.V
Man how am I supposed to dress for my dat-I mean time with Natsu! Yep totally, not a date! I say aloud as I decided to head home early from the guild because I have to help Mori with someone. Once I got home, I noticed that it was 5:30 P.M so it's probably a good idea to get ready. When I was done I noticed it was 5:45 P.M so Mori should be here in a few minutes. (Time skip when Kikamori comes) "Hey Mori!" I greeted as he came to my apartment. "Hey Lu, are you sure your advice will work?" He asked nervously. "Yeah!" "Don't worry, you'll be just fine!" I encouraged. "I hope so..." He answered unsure as we went started our way to the café. After we got a booth we started to talk. "So you're positive it'll work!?" Mori asked for the twentieth time. "Yes!" "Plus Laina already likes you!" (Memories anyone) I said exasperated. "She likes me as a friend!" He answered looking down at his cake he ordered. "Oh trust me it's more then that!" I cheer. "So she won't reject me?" Mori asked, again. "Nope!" Because I've asked who she liked and she said you, so go for it tiger!" I yell cheering more and gaining attention. "Thanks Lu, and good luck on your date!" Mori shouted as he left, leaving me sitting there blushing like a maniac. That's when I realized I was talking with Mori from 6:00 P.M to 7:50 P.M and I haven't even gotten into a cute outfit. I quickly run to my apartment and got ready as fast as possible. I got out of my apartment at 8:00 P.M and arrived at 8:05 P.M. I was about to make myself known when he started talking to himself. "Guess she's not coming..." "What does it matter she likes Kikalori anyway.." "Whelp better get going.....but....ouch Luce that hurt...." He got up and was ready to leave when I yelled, "Wait Natsu!" "Sorry I'm late!" "L-Luce? He stuttered as he turned around and that's when I notice that...he....was...crying? "Natsu, please forgive me!" I said once more.   "Yeah....I..know....don' friend...." He said more tears running down his face. "Natsu what are you talking about?" I asked suddenly confused while wiping his tears. "Well you were going on a date with kika-" I cut him off, "Natsu I wasn't on a date with Mori..." I told him. "Y-your a-aren't?" He asked. "No, he needed advice on a girl that he likes, so I volunteered. I explained. "Oh do you have a crush?" He asked suddenly hopeful. "Yeah...." I answer in barely a whisper. "O-oh who i-is i-it? He asked now saddened. "Y-you..., I know you don't like me and I understand but I just wanted you to know that I love you!" I yell out. He was silent with shock and I knew the answer. "I understa-" I start but he cuts me off. "Luce say that again." He told me. "I und-" I start but he cuts me off again. "No before that..." He explained. "Oh....I...l-love.. y-you.." I said again and then before I knew it, Natsu was kissing m-NATSU IS KISSING ME! I was frozen with shock, when it finished he said the words I've only dreamed, "I love you too, Luce, I guess I was just to full of jealousy to notice your feelings." I looked at him more shocked. "Y-You were j-jealous..?" I asked. "Yeah...of...KikaMORI.....because...of.." He said exaggerating the MORI. "Well that doesn't matter because I'm all yours and your all mine!" I declare. "" He started. "We're boyfriend and girlfriend!" I finish.
Ok hope you enjoyed this story! Also I'm tired so I have nothing to say except:
Ok I'm done and hope you liked what I said! Now byeeeee! P.S Did you get any references?


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