You Will Come Back

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Disclaimer:I only own the stories that are going to be in this fanfiction! Everything else like the artwork and anime belongs to people who made the artwork and Hiro Mashima!
Story 14

Lucy's P.O.V
"How can he be that?" "He's Natsu, and that is E.N.D." Was the thoughts running through my head as I watch the Fairy Tail members fall one by one. "Natsu!" "You have to stop this!" I screamed, tears falling like a waterfall. "Sorry pretty lady, but this 'Natsu' you're talking about is long gone. It replied, still knocking down the members one by one. You're...wrong..!" I muttered while the shadows of my bangs covered my eyes. "Oh, and why am I wrong?" The monster questioned, smirk and clearly intrigued. "You have hit and tortured everyone in Fairy Tail I know he would never hurt me." I answered, the shadows still covering my eyes. "Well that's easy to explain really, it's just that you'll be so much fun to play with, I would have to save you for last, but since you're this desperate to die, then I will do the honors." He said, leaving the other members and stepping closer to me. Once he got to me, he got ready to fire an attack, however, he stopped and froze midway. "Stop this you pathetic human, you are not to be allowed to control this body, how are you doing it?!" The monster screeched. I smiled as tears roll down my cheeks, but this time they were happy tears and said, "See Natsu is still in there, and he's fighting as well as us." "I-I...see...n-now...y-y-you...are...his...s-strength...." He stuttered out, trying to move. Though it was a bad situation, I couldn't help but blush and smile brighter, but as he continued my smile lessened. " kill y-you...and...I..will...gain....strength...and..power!" When he finished, he laughed maniacally, which kind of hurt my ears since he was so close. "Natsu won't let that happen!" "He can beat you, just you watch!" I shouted, cutting off his laugh. He glared at me for a second, and then said, "If you' confident, than let's s-see how...l-l-long he can....keep this....up, s-shall we....unless y-you k-k-kill me that i-is..." I looked around me and saw pretty much the entire guild laying on the ground, severely injured and unconscious. I then looked back at the monster, and very slowly said, "You can do anything to me or to the guild, but let me make this clear, I will not kill Natsu!" "Wow..... y-you....w-w-would trade....a lot of 'family' for...o-one...p-pathetic human..." He replied, looking somehow more horrifying. I looked around once more, and after awhile I finally answered with,"Yeah...I would." "W-Well.....e-e-enough....c-chitchat...l-let's...start...waiting.." He said, and so we did. After awhile the monster said, more clearly, "He'" I ignored it on the outside, but on the inside, I was worried, not for myself, but for Natsu, I mean I don't want him to pass out from exhaustion. That's when I remembered a spell that my mom taught me when she was alive.
Flashback (Still Lucy's P.O.V)
"Mommy what does this spell called?" Little Lucy ask, pointing to a spell that appeared to be in a book. "That Lucy, is called the, "Heaven's Switch." My mother replied, her face lovingly and soft. "What does it do? Little me questioned, looking curious. My mother's face suddenly turned serious. "Before I tell you, do you swear to never use this spell unless it is absolutely needed?" She asked. "I swear!" Little Lucy said excitedly. My mother gave a sigh of relief and began to speak, "Heaven's Switch is when you are trying to save someone that is consumed by darkness and that they could probably never return, it will save them and the people you hold close of course, but the price is your life." Little me looked intrigued, but didn't dare ask more.
Present (Still Lucy's P.O.V)
I walked forward to the demon and looked him straight in the eye. "Aw...your....gonna..." It said. "No, I'm going to kill you.." I answered plainly. "Sorry but you can't kill me and save him as well." He replied. "Watch me!" I said, closing my eyes and starting the spell.

Oh great heavens, cease this darkness inside.
Let them live on, for I is the person you're
looking for. So I beg you let fate change
who is to die today. I am thy princess of the
skies. And I Lucy Heartfilia, give up my life.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw that everyone who lay unconscious start to heal, E.N.D looking of pure horror, and me starting to disappear. Before I went completely, though, I gave the now Natsu and not demon a quick kiss. And with that I completely disappeared.

Natsu's P.O.V
When I was holding the other part of me frozen for awhile, I started to feel exhausted, but that's when I started to gain back control and see Luce chanting some kind of spell. "I knew Luce could do it!" I cheered in my head, continuing to watch, but as I watch more I started to get horrified, I even wished I couldn't see what's happening, like before. When Luce was getting close to disappearing completely she gave me a kiss, and I knew I was gaining back control, because I felt it. But after the kiss and Luce was gone, I felt something wet on my face. I touch it and realized that I was crying. After awhile of sobbing silently, I hear the sweet voice of Luce in my head that said, "I told you, you will come back." I looked around to make sure that she wasn't here with me, and when I made sure I cried even more.
Ok I'm still sick, well the day I'm writing it is. Anyway sorry this one is bad. But enough of me talking. Byeeeee!

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