Happy Birthday

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Disclaimer:I only own the stories that are going to be in this fanfiction! Everything else like the artwork and anime belongs to people who made the artwork and Hiro Mashima!
Story 9

Natsu's P.O.V
"Hey Happy, do you think Luce will remember my birthday?" I question randomly. "Well y'all have been friends for eight years, including the Tenrou time skip that is." Happy replied. "So....what's your answer?" I asked confused and slightly angry. "I'm saying there are possibilities of yes and no." Happy answered, shaking his head. "Well I'm going to say she'll remember, she is my best friend after all!" I cheer while I start my way toward Luce's apartment. "Wait for me Natzu!" I can hear Happy yelling. "Okay, okay just hurry up!" I answered, stopping to wait for Happy. After awhile Happy finally came out. "What took you so long?!" I asked, throwing my hands behind my head. "I had to go get your present, you're going to love it!" Happy replied, looking confident. I snatched the present away from him quickly, hoping it's not what I think it is. When I opened it, however, it was the same exact thing I was hoping not to get. "Happy, I'm tired of you always giving me fish for my birthday!" I complain, giving the fish back to him. "No Natzu, I always give you normal fish for your birthday, but I gave you salmon today!" Happy corrected, looking like he's a king. "Oh...great I get to eat my hair!" I reply grumpily. "Natzu why are you so grumpy today?" Happy questioned, looking at me worriedly. "I'm sorry buddy, it's just  that I want to see if Luce remembers my birthday." I say honestly. Happy gave me a look, and then started to fly ahead of me. "Hey where are you going?!" I holler after him, trying to keep up. "To Lushi's apartment, duh!" Happy answered, looking at me like I'm the dumb one. "Yeah, we should go since I wanted to see if she remembers." I said once I caught up. When we arrived, I jump through the window. "LUCY KICK!" Luce screamed, giving me and Happy a kick in the face. "Owwww" Happy said, rubbing his cheek. "Yeah, Luce you can pack a kick..." I said, also rubbing my cheek. "Well that wouldn't happen if you used the door!" Luce explained, crossing her arms. "Sorry that's never going to happen!" Happy and I both cheered. "What are y'all doing here anyway?" Luce asked, completely ignoring what we said. "We're here to see if you uh remember anything special today..?" I asked nervously. "O-Oh what m-makes y-you say t-that...?" Luce questioned, avoiding eye contact. "Oh um ok, I'm going to the guild now..." I told her. "Where people remember my birthday..." I muttered quietly. "Natzu I'm going to stay here, if you don't mind.." Happy told me as I was about to jump out the window. "Oh that's fine, buddy." I replied simply, thinking why my closest friend would stay with her.

Lucy's P.O.V
"Hey Lushi why did you lie to him?" Happy asked, looking out the window Natsu had left through. "I wanted to surprise him, since I didn't find out it was his birthday until yesterday. "Well there was no reason to lie to him." Happy stated, turning around and looking at me disapprovingly. "I didn't want him to expect anything that's all.." I said, avoiding eye contact. Happy gave out a sigh and asked, "So what surprise are you going to do?" "Well there is a thing called a Dragon Festival, and I thought it would be fun to go to, because I already have the tickets to go there and I've already made a reservation!" I explained. (Totally made up) "Natzu has always wanted to go there!" Happy cheered. "So you think that surprise is good?!" I question hopefully. "Yeah!" "It's rumored to have the most spiciest food ever!" Happy reassured me. "Great!" "Now all I have to do is wait for sunset and take him there!" I exclaimed excitedly. "Except.....he's kinda of upset...right now..." Happy told me awkwardly. "Wait what why?!" I questioned alarmed. "Well...all he talked about on the way here was, will Luce remember my birthday, and since you said you didn't I'm pretty sure he's sad." Happy explained, not looking at my shocked expression. "Happy I have to go look for him!" I yelled, running to the door. "Good luck then, he won't want to be disturbed, especially by you.." He told me as I was about to walk through the door. "Thanks...for the advice..." I said sarcastically. "You're welcome!" He called out as I ran out of the room. I ignored what he said  and ran to the guild. When I got there I burst in, not looking at the stares I was getting, and grabbed Natsu's arm and pulled him out of the guild. "Hey let me go!" He complained as I dragged him, but I ignored it. After awhile of making him go places with me and him complaining, I noticed it was sunset. I quickly made my way up a hill and then, there it was standing in all is glory, The Dragon Festival. Natsu stopped complaining and looked at it in awe. "Why a-are we here..?" He questioned, still looking at the view. "For your birthday silly!" I laughed. "Oh, so Happy told you?" He asked sadly, looking down. "Nope I've known it was your birthday!" Natsu looked at me with eyes that said, I-Don't-Believe-You. I smiled and than started dragging him once again, this time to the ticket receiver. "Hello miss, please hand me your tickets?" The man said. I handed him the tickets and told him, "I've made a reservation at a restaurant yesterday." "Yes, yes indeed you have, please follow me." The man said after he looked down at a list. When we arrived, he led Natsu and I to a table. "Thank you sir!" I cheered and than he walked away, then I looked at Natsu. "Now do you believe me?" I asked him. He nodded still looking at me in shock. "You always surprises me Luce!" He told me happily. "Well I haven't said the words yet." I replied smiling at him. "What words?" He questioned, looking at me confused. "Happy birthday!" I cheered, like it was obvious. He widened his eyes and a small tear rolled down his face. I wiped it away gingerly and handed him a menu. He looked at me for a moment and then said, "I love you Luce!" It was my turn to look at him shocked but I got over it and replied, "I love you too, Natsu!
Got to go! Hope you enjoyed! Byeeeeeee!

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