I'll Protect You too

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Disclaimer:I only own the stories that are going to be in this fanfiction! Everything else like the artwork and anime belongs to people who made the artwork and Hiro Mashima!
Story 3

Lucy's P.O.V
I feel weak compared to the rest of the guild, maybe I should train for a few months? I thought as I watch the guild drinking, partying, brawling, yep! Basically a normal day at Fairy Tail! "Hey Luce, do you want to go on a mission?" I didn't have to turn around to know who that voice belonged to. "Hey Natsu, and no, but can we talk for a moment?" I said now facing him. "Oh uh sure Luce, what do you want to talk a-" "In private." I added, cutting him off. "Um, sure Luce.." He answered heading for the guild doors. Once we were out I told him what I've been bottling up. "Natsu, I want to temporarily quit team Natsu for a few months!" I told him quickly yet sternly. He looked at me shocked as though thinking he misheard me. "W-why L-Luce?" "D-do you not l-like it a-anymore?" Natsu gritted out through clenched teeth, his hair covering his eyes. "N-No!" "I l-love t-team Natsu, it's j-just I want to t-train t-that's all..." I say quickly, looking down. "But Luce you're strong enough!" "You have Star dress!" "What else can you get?!" Natsu shouted looking up, anger in his eyes. "Natsu...I found..a..book...containing more information about Celestial Spirit Magic." I told him looking at his charcoal eyes. He gave a long sigh and asked a few questions. "How many months will you be gone?" Was the first question, and the second question was, "Are you going to be leaving the guild, too?" "I'm going to be gone for not that long, five months to be exact, and yes I'm leaving the guild." I answered. He gave another heavy sigh. "Alright Luce you better be safe in that five months!" Natsu said, determined, while putting up the Fairy Tail sign. I gave a determined nod, and made my way back inside the guild, going to Master's office. Once I explained everything, I went back to the noisy guild and made my announcement. Of course the guild members were very supportive and somewhat surprised. "Be safe Lu-Chan!" My best friend, Levy-Chan said. "Yeah, I will don't worry!" I answered cheerfully. "Contact us when you're in trouble, Bunny Girl!" Gajeel said patting my head. "I know, I know." I said rolling my eyes playfully. "Don't forget us!" Happy shouted flying into my chest. "I'm only going to be gone for five months, Happy....!" I said awkwardly hugging back. After a few more good-byes, I was off. I was almost out of the guild when Natsu stopped me by the arm. "N-Natsu?" I question, blushing madly. "Luce, promise me one thing..." Natsu said pleadingly. "What i-is i-it?" I asked, still blushing. "Promise......you'll come back alive....to me?" He said shadows covering his eyes. I was a bit taken aback, so it took me awhile to register what he said, but finally, I said, "I promise!" And then walked off, out of the guild.
It took me awhile to find a good place to read a book and practice training, but I finally found a place where I can settle down. "Ok let's see.....water whip....that...sounds interesting, oh star shield....that could be helpful, Hm, meteor...that sounds hard." I said skimming through the book. Finally, I settled on doing star shield, with the help of Loki I mastered the spell.
Five months later (still Lucy's P.O.V)
"Ah, finally back in magnolia!" "I missed this place!" I said out loud to no one in particular. That's when I noticed that not a single person were in town except this guy running my way. "Hey what's wrong?!" I asked him, urgently. "Haven't you heard?! The demons have come to revenge on Fairy Tail!" He said frantic, getting close to my face. "B-but t-they w-were defeated!" I yelled, and then muttering really quietly, "I made sure of that..." "There different demons this time!" He told me, and then ran off. (Just play with it) Without looking back, I ran toward Fairy Tail. "Hello!" "Anyone please answer me!" I shouted moving through the rubble, of what remained of the guild. "L-Lucy-San...?" I hear a weak voice. I turn around and see Wendy under some large stone. "WENDY!" I shouted, running toward her. I quickly turn my magic into a sphere into my hand and then punched the stone, making it break into a million pieces. "T-thank......y-you..." She said and then passed out. I was kinda glad because that means she wouldn't feel the pain when I'm closing up her wounds with fire. (Stars are technically heat so she gets fire magic) then I search for Carla, who was not that far from Wendy, I quickly mend her wounds to the best of my ability and then lay her next to Wendy, then I head off. While I was walking around I saw Natsu, half dead fighting a werewolf looking thing. Natsu, looked like he couldn't take another hit, but the werewolf, however, barely had any scratches on it at all. The thing was about to throw another punch, when  started to run, and before I knew it I was in between Natsu and that thing. "STAR SHEILD!" I chanted, creating a golden bubble around Natsu and I. "L-Luce....don't...protect....me...I'm..... supposed...to...protect....you..." Natsu wheezed. "Natsu!" "You've protected me all the time, so I'll protect you too!" I told him holding back the werewolf, just barely. That's when I got an idea. "Natsu here!" I said throwing him some fire. "Thanks...Luce! Natsu said smirking while wiping his mouth. "No problem!" I smiled. (Time skip after the battle and after rebuilding the guild) "Hey Luce can I talk to you, in private?" Natsu asked sheepishly. "Yeah sure!" I answered starting to walk out. When we were outside Natsu started to talk. "You know Luce?" "You never actually rejoined Team Natsu!" He told me. "Yeah you're right!" "Can I rejoin!?" I asked excited. "Of course!" He answered. "Oh there's one more thing!" Natsu said stopping me from leaving. "What is it?" I questioned turning around again. "I love you!" He told me smiling, I stood there shocked but then replied, "I love you too!"
Alright hope you enjoyed this story! Also how's your day or night. Anyway that's all I have to say! Byeeeeee!


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