Story Twenty Special

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Disclaimer:I only own the stories that are going to be in this fanfiction! Everything else like the artwork and anime belongs to people who made the artwork and Hiro Mashima!
Story 20

Author: So Lucy and Natsu how do you feel about being here right now?
Lucy: I mean... It sure is interesting..
Natsu: Are you kidding?! I love it here, look at the food!
Author: Anyway, are you aware that you are in a book right now?
Natsu: Why do you want to know? It's not like people will even see this.
Lucy: Actually....people will be seeing this, it's the twentieth story after all.
Author: So are you saying you are aware that you are only a character, Lucy?
Lucy: Yeah, I mean, it's obvious that nothing in here is actually going to happen in Fairy Tail.
Natsu: Okay....wait, are you saying I don't exist?!
Author: Well, that's not exactly it, it's just-
Lucy: Author, don't sugarcoat this, you know we don't exist, sorry for you to find out...
Natsu: I'm only just a character, I've been lied to my whole life, curse you Hiro Mashima!
Author: Well...anyway so do y'all remember being in a previous book?
Lucy: Yeah, that's where Mori came in right? And the rest of my friends.
Author: Exactly! Now, who would you like to come in Natsu's place, since Natsu isn't available right now.
Natsu: *Muttering* I'm just a character, I'm just a character..
Lucy: Hmmm, how about Mori, we haven't worked together in ages!
Author: Okay then, Kikamori step up on the stage please!
Kikamori: *Steps up on the stage stylishly*
Kikamori: Hello everyone! *Blows out kisses*
Lucy: Uh, you know that the readers can't see you, right, they are raiding this.
Kikamori: Oh Lu, you were invited to the special also, I see!
Lucy: I mean, I am from this book and so is Natsu, so obviously I would be here.
Kikamori: Speaking of Natsu, where is he, I haven't seen him in ages!
Author: He's just taking everything all in, don't worry about him.
Kikamori: Ah, I see you told him, he didn't do so good, I assume?
Lucy: Yeah I think he might be trying to go crazy. *Pointing to Natsu*
Natsu: *Still muttering* I'm just a cartoon character, so is Happy, Ice Pop, and the rest of the guild!
Kikamori: Yikes! He is taking it worse than you did, and you did horrible!
Lucy: Oh shut up! I was just surprised.
Author: Anyway, Lucy, do you know what Nalu means in our universe?
Lucy: Isn't that Natsu and I's name combined into one?
Author: Well that's part of it, but when we do it, it means they are a great match, if you know what I mean. *Winking*
Kikamori: And she's starting to act like Mira, won't you agree Lu? *Looks around*
Kikamori: Wait where's Lu?
Author: Look down, and you'll probably find her.
Kikamori: *Looks down, sees Lucy passed out, hugging a passed out Natsu* Ah, probably to much about shipping information..!
Author: *Nods in agreement* Yeah I should have saved it for later.
Kikamori: You really should have, I mean how are we supposed to clean this up?!
Author: Don't freak out yet! Let me end this special.
Kikamori: *Sighs* okay, okay...!
Author: *Clears throat* Okay, bye for now, sorry it's short!
Kikamori: *Whispers* don't forget the word count!
Author: Oh right! The word count is, 573!

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