Winter Moment

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Disclaimer:I only own the stories that are going to be in this fanfiction! Everything else like the artwork and anime belongs to people who made the artwork and Hiro Mashima!
Story 5

Lucy's P.O.V
"Okay everyone, I'm going to go home!" I called out to the guild. "Bye Lucy!" The guild replied. I smiled at them, and then started my way to the door. When I was out, I remembered how cold it was, even though it was in the afternoon. "Burrrr" my teeth chattered. "I w-w-wish it was h-hotter..!" I said to no one in particular. That's when I felt warmth near me, or rather behind me. "Yay!" "My wish is fulfilled!" I cheered in triumph. (Lucy doesn't know it's Natsu's heat until later) "Luce, you're so weird!" I didn't have to look at who it was because I already knew. "Natsu, what do you want?!" "I'm trying to enjoy the warmth here!" I said a lot more loudly then I intended to. "O-Oh, I was just going to ask if you want to go on a mission...?" Natsu explained, taken aback. "Natsu, do you see the weather?!" I said, throwing my arms up in the air and pointing at the sky. "Yeah?" "What about it?" Natsu asked, completely oblivious. "It is freezing, so, please can I just go home?" I muttered out, yawning, because of the heat. "Oh um ok, we can go tomorrow if you want to?" Natsu grinned starting to walk away. Me, blushing, said, "Wait Natsu!" "Can you...walk with me, because you're heat is warming up...!" Figuring out that it's Natsu heat. "Luce why didn't you say so?" Natsu said, then started taking off his scarf and wrapping it on my neck. "Natsu are you sure?!" "I mean it's really important to you and I don't want to rui-" "You're also really important to me!" Natsu told me, cutting me off. "" I stuttered out, snuggling into the scarf, trying to hide my blush. "Better?" He asked me. "" I answered. "Okay, now come on!" Natsu said, walking ahead of me. "Wait where are we going?" I asked, looking at him confusingly. "That's easy we're going home-you're home that is.." Natsu answered, embarrassed. "You don't have to come anymore, you can go enjoy yourself, I'll return this tomorrow when I get back here." I replied, feeling that was too much of a hassle for him, since he's already gave me his scarf. "NO!" He replied, rather quickly. "Maybe he didn't trust me with his scarf...?" I thought sadly. "Natsu I'm not going to ruin you're scarf, you know?" I said my other thought out loud. "Luce I trust you with that scarf more than you know, heck, I even trust you with my life, so don't ever think I don't trust you!" Natsu replied, quite angrily at that. "Yeah you're right, I'm sorry I ever doubted that!" I said, smiling and started my way to walk with Natsu, leaving the guild doors behind. Nastu, now also smiling, started to my apartment, with me closely behind him. "So Luce what's it like being cold?" Natsu asked, after I was beside him. "Well it's hard to explain..." I answered, unsure of how to explain it. "Okay, so when my heart beats faster when I'm near you, is that cold?" He asked, confused. "Well....not really.." I replied, blushing furiously. "Then what is it?" "Am I sick?" Natsu asked looking at me even more confused. "No Natsu you're not sick, and I don't really know what it is but I'm sure you'll figure it out!" I lied, smiling awkwardly. Natsu looked at me as though he knew I lied but decided to ignore it. "Well I'm here, so you can go back to the guild if you want, ok?" Also here's you're scarf, it really helped!" I said kindly, while handing him his scarf. "No problem Luce!" "Also if you don't mind, I'm go back to the guild!" He said, and then started to walk off. When he did, I thought of what he told me, "okay, so when my heart beats faster when I'm near you, is that cold?" I blush thinking about the ridiculous thing I was thinking, "Could he like me?"

Natsu's P.O.V
"I need to know, what this feeling is!" I thought as I started running back to the guild. "Why do I feel the need to protect her?" "Why do I feel jealousy every time guys are with her?" "Why is my heart beating when I'm near her?" "When did it become only her that I think about every hour of the day, every minute of the hour, every second of the minute? Before I could think about these emotions more, I had reached the guild. I went in and made my way toward Mira, Laxus giving me a death glare while I was walking. "Hey Mira can I ask you something?" I asked her. "You just did, but you can have another one." She answered, smiling. So I started to explain what I felt toward Luce, and she at times almost fainted. "Well that's simple Natsu, you love her!" She said, squealing. "Well yeah, I love Everyone here, even Stripper!" I replied confused. "No Natsu, you love us as a family, but with Lucy, you love her as a couple." She explained. "Wait you mean to say I love-love Luce?!" I said in a loud whisper. "Yep!" "Now go get her tiger!" Mira cheered. "What happens if she rejects me?" I asked, nervous. "She won't." Mira stated simply, winking at me as though to say, "Trust me, I know!" So I took her advice and, went back to Luce's apartment. When I got there, I went my normal way, through the window. "Hey Luce!" I greeted. She gave a squeak, but then realized it was just me. "Hey Natsu, and please use the door!" She huffed. I ignored her and asked, "Do you like someone?" She blushed and slowly nodded. Feeling a pang of jealousy, I asked another question, "Who?" She fidgeted looked down, and then looked back at me again. She opened her mouth, slowly, and muttered out, "Y-You..." I looked at her, shock in my eyes, then I walked over to her and gave her a passionate kiss, she was surprised at first but then started kissing back. "This was our Winter Moment." I thought.
Alright another one done! Now I have nothing to say, so let's enjoy this awkward moment...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Still here? If you are byeeeeee!

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