Song to My Heart

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Disclaimer:I only own the stories that are going to be in this fanfiction! Everything else like the artwork and anime belongs to people who made the artwork and Hiro Mashima!
Story 10 (P.S I have nothing against celebrities)
(Don't play the song yet)

Lucy's P.O.V
"Hey Luce do you like celebrities?" Natsu asked me as we walk out of school. "What's wrong with them?" I questioned some what hurt. "I mean they think they're so popular, take Celestia for example, she doesn't even tell us her real name and wears a wig!" Natsu replied, not noticing my expression. "D-Do you ever t-t-think s-she might h-h-have a reason?" I stuttered out, not making eye contact. "Yeah, she thinks she is popular and has to wear a wig and not reveal her real name because she doesn't want to have stalkers." He explained angrily. "Well that's not part of the reason...." I mutter under my breath. "What was that Luce?" Natsu asked, looking at me curiously. "Oh uh it's nothing..." I told him, waving it off with one hand. Natsu looked at me skeptically, but then realized we were at my house. "Well see you later, Luce!" He said grinning, then walking farther into the neighborhood. "Bye...." I answered back distantly, then began walking into my house. When I got inside, I saw Virgo standing there. "Oh hi, Virgo, do you need anything?" I asked politely. "No not at all, Princess, but I have some news." She said to me while taking my bag. "What is it?" I questioned, taking off my boots in the process. "You will be having a street concert in this neighborhood, tomorrow night." She informed, bowing  for no reason. "W-What?!" "We haven't even got the tickets rea-" I started but she cut me off. "Don't worry Princess, the flyers for the concert and tickets have been passed out, and the tickets are already sold out." Virgo reassured. "But I didn't see anyone passing the flyers." I stated obviously still alarmed. "It was passed out when you were at school, Princess." She answered using the same flat tone.  "" I muttered sarcastically, heading to my room to write a song. "Good luck!" Virgo called as I left. "Yeah...thanks.." I replied. When I got to my room I sat down at my desk and got out my notebook. "Ok let's see...." I said to myself, thinking of what to write. I couldn't concentrate, though, because I kept thinking of Natsu and what he said. All of a sudden I got a song idea and started writing.
Next Day (Still Lucy's P.O.V)
When I got done writing last night I made up my mind on something I should have done a long time ago. "Hey Luce!" "Ready to go to school!" Natsu called out when he saw me walking on the street. "Yeah, let's go!" I replied, hurrying myself to his side. "So have you heard about Celestia's concert that's going to be in our neighborhood?" He asked when I finally caught up. "Yeah, but how did you know, I thought you didn't like her?" I answered some what mean. "Oh I don't, but my sister love her, and told me I have to come with her since she has two tickets." He replied simply. "I didn't know Wendy liked m-I mean Celestia's concerts..." I said, cursing myself for almost giving away my secret. Natsu didn't have time to reply because we had reached school, and we have different classes. "Well see you later Luce!" He shouted while running to class because the bell had rung when we got here. (Time skip after school) "I'm so upset you can't come!" Natsu complained as he and I make our way toward my house. "" I replied awkwardly, trying to be sad. "But I'll tell you about it, ok?" Natsu said trying to cheer me up. "Ok thanks...!" I answered, hurrying inside my house when I saw it. "Bye!" He yelled after me. I ignored it and hurried up to my room to change. "Are you ready, Princess?" Virgo asked nocking on my door, after a few minutes. "Yeah!" "I'm putting on my wig!" I replied, opening the door for her. "Your limo is waiting outside." She told me when she saw me. "You know I can just walk there, right?" I questioned her confusingly. "We can't risk you getting seen." She replied apologetically. I sighed and went outside. When I was out, there were cars everywhere so the limo didn't look out of place. I got in without a word, and the limo started to drive. After about five minutes, it stopped. "Thank you." I told the driver, and then got out. I quickly go behind stage and listen to the announcer. "HELLO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" "I AM MAVIS VERMILION, YOUR HOST!" She said enthusiastically. "NOW WITHOUT FARTHER ADO, PLEASE WELCOME CELESTIA!" She went on, and then walked off stage with me walking on stage. "Hello everyone!" "Before we start I would like to do something that I've should of done a long time ago!" I said into the microphone. There were murmurs but I continued. "I am finally going to reveal myself!" I announced, hearing gasps in the crowd. I ignored them and pulled off my wig. There were more gasps and some screams. "I am Lucy Heartfilia!" I shouted over the noise. There was a silence but then I heard cheers and claps. I was taken aback for a few minutes, but then smiled. "Now that that is out of the way, let the song begin!" I cheered signaling for the music to start. When it did I began to sing. (Sorry if you don't like this song)

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