What are Best Friends for

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Disclaimer:I only own the stories that are going to be in this fanfiction! Everything else like the artwork and anime belongs to people who made the artwork and Hiro Mashima!
Story 16

Lucy's P.O.V
"Hey Lu-Chan how would you describe Natsu, your crush?" Levy-Chan asked me as we made our way down to our next class. "Well I mean he is dense, that's for sure, and also I do not have a crush on him!" I shouted, obviously flustered. "Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that." Levy-Chan replied, raising her eyebrows creepily. "Ugh!" "We will talk about this later, class is about to start." I said stomping into science class, ignoring the fact that the bell isn't even close to ringing. "Whatever..." Levy-Chan muttered, plopping into a seat beside me. When the class was over, I immediately went out of daydream mode, but while i was trying to deactivate my superpower, someone, a guy to be exact,spoke to me. "Oh hi, I didn't see you there!" I shouted accidentally in the guy's face. The guy, taken aback, said, "Oh um..it's..ok, I'm used to it." And then, the awkward silence began to form. Me, trying to dodge this weird silence, looked around for Levy-Chan, but she was not at her desk or anywhere in the classroom. I curse at Levy for leaving me, and then asked, maybe a little to politely, "So...what do you want?" "Well...you...see,...I've seen you around school before, and thought you were pretty cute...and maybe we can be a thing, what I'm trying to ask is, will you go on a date with me this Sunday at 4:00 P.M and the place is Rolian Café." He replied back. "Look dude I don't even know your name!" "So just let me think about it." I answered, walking to the door, and getting ready to head to my next class. "My name is James Wolfwind, and let me know your answer soon!" (Rings any bell from my previous book) This guy James shouted after me. I gave a sigh as I walked down the hallway, and started thinking. "I mean I already have a crush aka Natsu Dragneel, my best friend." "But I know he doesn't like me, so maybe I should give that poor guy a chance, I mean we could become a really special thing." But I couldn't think anymore because I was already at my next class, so taking that as an advantage, I nudged my thoughts aside. As the week went on, though, James kept asking if I've made up my mind, so finally getting annoyed, I said yes to the date. I obviously told Natsu, not to make him jealous-ok maybe to make him a little jealous, but also since we tell each other everything. To my disappointment, all I got from him was, "Ok, have fun.." And to be honest, he sounded way off from his happy cheery self. But aside from that, on Sunday afternoon, around 2:45 P.M I started to get ready. When I was fully done it was about 3:45 P.M. "Oh shit!" I muttered, hurrying out of the front door of my apartment. Once I was at Rolian Café, I got a booth and waited for about fifteen to twenty minutes. "Are you sure you don't want anything ma'am?" A waitress asked. "Yeah I'm sure, thanks for the offer, though." The waitress gave a sigh and went to another table. After about another ten minutes, I started to get up, feeling pretty embarrassed, but that's when Natsu rushed in. "Sorry I'm late, babe." "I over slept, and had to go grocery shopping." Natsu explained. I gave him a confused look and he winked at me. Finally I caught on and sat back down. "It's fine, hubbie wubbie, I'm glad you're here now." I replied, internally cringing at the nickname on the inside. After we left the café I said, "Thanks Natsu, you saved me from looking like a complete idiot." "No problem, Luce, what are best friends for?" He answered, grinning, but it didn't look as big as normal. "Best friend, huh?" I thought before excusing myself to go home, to cry and think it out.

Natsu's P.O.V
"I'm sorry Luce, it's just that I'm not good enough for you, so from now on, I'll only classify you as a best friend..." "But I know you will find someone who loves you as much as I do." I said aloud, allowing a single tear to run down my cheek.
And done! I know it's short, but hey, I have a life! Anyway byeeeee!

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