I'll Wait for You

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Disclaimer:I only own the stories that are going to be in this fanfiction! Everything else like the artwork and anime belongs to people who made the artwork and Hiro Mashima!
Story 6

Lucy's P.O.V
"I'm so glad that Fairy Tail is reformed!" I thought to myself as I was on my way to the guild with Natsu and Happy. "It has been a week now, and everyone's enjoying it!" "I'm enjoying it too!" "Although things have been more different after that incident with Aq-" "Yo, Luce are you okay?" "You've been acting different!" Natsu said, cutting me off from my thoughts. "O-Oh, uh yeah.. I'm fine...!" I replied quickly, a bit taken aback because I haven't told anyone yet. Happy gave me a look that said the, You-Know-We-Don't-Believe-You, but I just smiled awkwardly and continued to walk to the guild. When we got there, Natsu started a brawl between men, Happy was flirting with Carla, and I was thinking while drinking a strawberry milkshake. "You know it was your fault, that she had to leave you, right?" "It was your fault that she had to suffer?" "So get your ass up and look for her!" Those were the thought I was thinking, it was my fault, everything was my fault, so I have to go look for her, it's the only way I can repay her! At that moment I bounded up from the stool I was sitting on, causing everyone to look at me. "U-Uh I-I need t-to pee!" I yelled randomly, running out of the guild. "But the bathroom is that way!" A person in the guild called out , pointing in a certain direction. I ignored them, and went to my apartment to pack and write a letter. After I did that, I left and began my search to find Aquarius.

Natsu's P.O.V
When Happy and I saw Luce run out of the guild, we knew something was wrong. "Hey, buddy I think we should follow her!" I told happy urgently. "Yeah we should, something is wrong with Lushi!" He agreed, getting ready to fly. "Where are you going Flamebrain?" Popsicle shouted out. "To get Luce what else?!" I questioned angrily. "You've noticed too, huh, that Lucy isn't acting herself?" He questioned. "Well yeah!" "That's why I'm going to check on her!" I said, getting ready to punch him. "Ok dude, I get you're worried about her!" Stripper shouted, dodging my punch and heading for the door. "Hey where are you going?!" I asked, also heading for the door. "Well me and the rest of Team Natsu might as well come too." He said simply, gesturing Erza to come over, who decided for Wendy and Carla to also come along. "Fine...." I grumbled, as they came over. "We're going to check on Lucy, yes?" Carla questioned. We responded with a nod. "Well she's long gone, by now." She responded simply, looking down. "WHAT?!" The rest and I shouted. "She, is gone." Carla repeated again. "What do you mean gone?!" I yelled, glaring at her. Ignoring the glare she said, "She has gone on a little quest." "S-So y-y-you're saying L-Lushi l-left t-t-the g-guild?!" Happy sobbed, catching the guild's attention, who were now staring.  "Yes, Tomcat now  if you'll exc-" "If you don't mind me asking, Carla, how do you no this?" Erza said, cutting her off. "Vision." She told us simply, leaving the now crying guild behind. "This isn't true!" "Luce's just trying to pay me back for leaving her, I know she is!" I shouted storming out after Carla. When I had cooled down I started my way toward Luce's apartment. When I got there, I couldn't believe what I saw: Everything of Luce's was gone! The only thing left was a envelope sitting on the now empty bed. I stared at it, wondering if I should open it or not, finally I decided to open it, with a shaky hand I grabbed the envelope, teared it open, and started to read: Dear whoever is reading this, (probably Natsu) I won't be at the guild for a few years I don't think, for I have some "certain business" to take care of. I'm sorry is the only thing I could say, but I promise I will be back, I just don't know when. But until then please stay happy! Love, Lucy. When I finished I noticed there was a section that said, Only Natsu, so I read on. Dear Natsu, first off what are you doing in my room, well I guess it's not my room anymore. Anyway  thank you for bringing me to Fairy Tail! It meant a lot more then you know. But I'm not her to only say thank you, I'm here to say something I've been holding in for a long time. I love you Natsu Dragneel, from the first time I've met you. I know you don't feel the same which is okay, but I just couldn't hold it in anymore, since I'll be gone a long time. Before I go I have a question, "Does this bring back any memories?" That's all I wanted to say now, see you later! Love you! -Luce. When I finished I couldn't believe it. She actually loved me! And I was to much of a coward to tell her when she was here. But I have to be patient. So Luce, the love of my life, I'll wait for you.
Hope you enjoyed it! Again sorry it's late. Now I need to eat now! Byeeeeee!


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