I Was Always There

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Disclaimer:I only own the stories that are going to be in this fanfiction! Everything else like the artwork and anime belongs to people who made the artwork and Hiro Mashima!
Story 17

Lucy's P.O.V
Hi there, I'm Lucy Heartfilia, and this is how my story began, "Daddy look!" "I haven't gotten a B in the whole year, so can I get my bed back?" The seven year old me asked, skipping into the kitchen where her, or should I say my dad was. "Brat what did I tell you about calling me that idiotic and stupid name!" My dad barked back, shooting up from his seat. "I-I'm....s-s-sorry...m-m-master I-I forgot...!" Little me stuttered out, backing away in terror of what her so called master might do. "You forgot?!" "Well, let me teach you a lesson so you won't forget it ever again!" The monster replied back, laughing maniacally while stepping toward the terrified little girl. "P-P-please not t-that a-again..." Little Lucy begged, tears leaking out of her eyes. "Yes, beg for it you brat, and I might just make it less painful for you." The sorry of a dad said, gripping onto the little me's hair, and dragging me down to the basement. Once they got down there, blood and tears was shed, screams and hysterical laughter could be heard, and torture had begun. Sparing you the horrendous details, I'll just describe it. Imagine being in a horror movie, chained to the wall and unable to move. Before I continue let me ask you a question, "What would you do?" Perhaps cry for help, start crying maybe, or beg for mercy when your capturer arrived, little me did none of that, all she did was hang there and take every single attack that came from the monster, for she had experienced the same thing quite often and gotten used to it. But now that's over let's head over to the present, where you might think things have gotten better, but that is highly the wrong conclusion, then again I suppose a few things have gotten better like my dad dying, and yes I know I sound rude. "Luce, I can't wait until summer is here!" "What about you?" My best friend asked, stretching when he exited the school gate. "Oh..um...yeah...I'm..excited.." I answered distantly. Let me go on a rant before we continue this love story here, I for one does not know why my best friend is Natsu Dragneel, because he's energetic, funny, and best of all he's kind. While miss gloomy over here is silent, crybaby, and a loner. Now let's continue with the story. "Hey, you okay Luce?" Natsu questioned, looking at me with full concern. "Oh...I'm...fine.." I replied, speeding up my walking down the street to my house. Natsu gave out a sigh, knowing that I won't speak another word, and also sped up his walk to catch up with me. Once we got to my house, Natsu offered to stay, but I declined kindly and went inside. "I'm home!" I called out, then I remembered I was alone and gave out a pathetic kind of giggle. "That's right...I'm alone.." I muttered, heading toward my room. "Cut, kill, leave" were the thought swimming in my head as I took each step. And let me tell you it did not get better when I reached my destination, in fact they were probably worse. "You know you want to..!" "Come on, no one wants you.." "Put yourself out of your misery.." I quickly shook those thoughts away and thought about happy things like, "You have to be there for Natsu.." "Make your mother proud.." "You are wanted.." But there was no use the voices were louder, and finally I went to the kitchen to grab a knife. I did one, and then another, and eventually I found myself hold a noose. I fix it up quickly, seeing someone that was walking along the street of my neighborhood, though, not seeing them clearly due to the darkness. Once I got it all ready, I kicked the stool I was standing on over and I could feel the breath leaving my body. Just as I thought I was about to leave, someone cut me lose. When my vision was clear I could see the one and only, Natsu Dragneel. "What were you thinking?!" "I loved you dammit, so don't go leaving me!" He shouted, panicked. "N-Natsu...I'm...s-so...s-sorry....it's..just...I..f-f-felt.....s-so...alone.." I sobbed, hugging him close. "L-Luce...I was always there!" He replied back hugging me. After we both calmed down he kissed me, and I was personally shocked, but soon I kissed back too.
Honestly this is a very touchy subject, but people who do think like fanfic Lucy I hope you know people cares about you. Anyway I love y'all, byeeeee!

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