5: Autobots

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The drive was a quiet one with the exception of the music was playing. No one had spoken for a bit so Mikaela decided to speak up shaking Sam and Mel from their thoughts, "This car's a pretty good driver."

"I know. Why don't you go sit in that seat, there?" Sam inquired as he pointed to the half-empty seat that Mel was sitting in. She was leaning on the door looking out the window silently listening to the conversation. 

"I'm not going to sit in that seat. Mel's sitting there." She protested.

"Yeah. You're right. Well, maybe you should sit in my lap." Sam suggested in a quiet tone.

"Why?" Mikaela questioned as Mel turned to look at Sam with a look that he knew too well that said, 'Boy what are you doing?'

Sam quickly rephrased, "well, I have the only seat belt here. You know, safety first."

Mikaela rolled her eyes, "Yeah, all right." She carefully sat on Sam's lap before leaning her head on his chest. Mel smiled at the two before letting a few tears fall from memories of late night movie nights she would have with Lennox and Epps wich always ended with a tangle of limbs. 

Sam turned to Mel seeing the few tears that fell, "You all right?"

"Yeah. Just memories," she stated simply.

Mel wiped her tears, "Okay, there you go. There, see? That's better." Sam told her in a comforting tone as she did.

"You know, that seatbelt thing was a pretty smooth move.," Mikaela complemented Sam for his earlier move.

Sam nodded, "Thank you."

"You know what I don't understand?" she questioned.

Sam: Hmm?

"Why, if he's supposed to be, like, this super-advanced robot, does he transform back into this piece of crap Camaro?" Bee skidded to a stop as Mikaela said these words. Bee opened Mikaela and Sam's door telling them to get out, though he left Mel's door locked.

"what are you doing?!" Mel panicked.

"Not leaving- them - tell me- where you- get that- mark- from," Bee asked her.

"I was born with it I think."

"you- think?"

"I was left at an orphanage," Mel quickly said as the seatbelt tightened around her while Bee drove on two wheels and scanned a 2007 Chevy Camaro. This information Mel gave Bee just confused him more and more, but he quickly turned and drove up to Sam and Mikaela playing an upbeat tune catching their attention. 

"What-?" Sam let out in confusion before getting in no questions asked.


They drove some more till they came to the planetarium, Bee drove through the gates and stopped. Mikaela and Sam got out while Mel said sitting watching from where she was sitting as four asteroids came down, "Come on, let's go." Sam told Mikaela as they walked down to one of the asteroids.

"Family?" Mel asked as she felt a pull in her heart though she didn't question it since she had always had heart problems and pulled back on her hoody she had around her waist.

"Yes Ma'am-" Bee played through the radio.


Bee had driven to a gigantic- unrealistic -ally way, he had let Mel, Sam, and Mikaela out as four others drove up and transformed along withe Bee. Sam let out a short exhale of pent-up shock he had been holding in. 

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