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"Unfortunately I was the one that was sat on Charles' lap on the way to the facility

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"Unfortunately I was the one that was sat on Charles' lap on the way to the facility. I had my arms folded and i heard Charles enter my mind.

'Are you really still angry over me not taking you?'

'yes, now get out of my head'

'Pippa i just wanted to protect you'

'I'm not five and we are not related i have a field of expertise and water is one of them. As usual you see me as nothing but a child and treat me as such. I'm only four years younger than you."

'Pippa' he winced

"is that smoke?" Erik asked

"Yes, Pippa is most likely burning literally scolding Charles as punishment. She can be quite a hot head when she's not quiet and observant." i stopped and he breathed a sigh of relief as i made some water appear in my hand and put it too his leg. We finally arrived

"Welcome to my facility. My mission has been to investigate the application of paranormal powers in military defence.

"Or offence " Erik replied

"This is Shaw, Schmidt, whatever you want to call him, he's working with the Russians. We might need your help to stop him."

"Marvellous" Charles stated "So we are to be the CIA's new mutant division, yes?"

"Something like that" we were lead inside and to a room with a extraordinary plane

"It's supersonic. The most advanced plane ever built. You should see it in real life. It's incredible." i looked up and took a small intake of breath, a man properly the same age as Raven wearing a lab coat and glasses made himself know. He was cute and i didn't say that just about anyone.

"Hank these are the special new recruits i was telling you about. This is Hank McCoy, one of our most talented young researchers."

"I bet you are" i said and my eyes went wide as i covered my mouth and blushed hiding my face on Raven's chuckling shoulder.

"How wonderful another mutant, already here. Why didn't you say?" i looked up and covered my face. Charles and his large mouth

"Say what?"

"Because you don't know. I am so, so terribly sorry." i rushed over to Charles and slapped his head.

"Do you have no filter?"


You didn't ask so i didn't tell?" Hank shrugged

'Awhhhhhhh' i cooed in my head.

'You're cooing at someone you don't know a thing about' i looked at Charles with a disapproving look.

"So you're mutation is what you're super smart?" Raven asked

"I'll say. Hank here graduated Harvard at the age of 15."

"Really, Charles he has a voice." i held out my hand and he took it. He was so awkward as i pulled away.

"Philippa" he nodded slightly nervous around us girls

"I wish that all he was going back to the question Raven asked. Of course Raven was more pretty than i could ever be.

"You are among friends now, Hank. You can show off." he looked a little uncomfortable as he took his shoes and socks off revealing larges feet hands for feet.

"Splendid" he smiled sort of at my adopted sister.

"excuse me" and we moved out of the way he jumped and flipped using his feet to securely hold onto the model plane. We all laughed that was incredible.

"Ta-da!" Raven walked closer

"You're amazing"

"really?" I was now uncomfortable

"Did you mention we had rooms?" I asked

"Yes follow me" we were taken away and show our rooms with our luggage already there.


Later that night i sat in the wide space that looked like a field if it didn't have a huge golf ball i clicked my neck and began to relax. I always did this when i felt uneasy about something. I wriggled my fingers as i held them a small concentrated circle of flame appeared right in front of me then water spun around me in circles as if it was happy to see me. Leaves from the wood nearby represented earth and finally i was lifted into the air.

To any sane person it would look like i was a witch. But i was just really skilled at using my gifts. I could even form them in to figures. i held out my arms air and earth joined with me and we were in a circle. Feeling at one with nature's elements began to calm me down. But then air made me turn around and i saw a shocked Hank. He took a couple of steps back. Ah Charles and Raven did tell me that fire was my stronger element and when i have done this before my eyes go a flaming red//orange. I blinked as i slowly let go and being lowered to the ground.

"Is there something i can help you with?" i asked my voice now light and airy.

"Wh-what just happened?"

"My mutational gift is control over the elements well it's my main one. When every i feel stressed or not right i connect to nature and it calms me."

"Oh- Okay"

"How was your date with Raven?" i asked and he blushed

"How did you..."

"My gift helps air is everywhere i can see things if i want to."


"I saw you were on a date. I assume it when well" i held my posture no giving in to the fact that him extremely nervous was undeniably cute and a little and i mean just a little part of me was jealous that he like Raven in that way

"Goodnight Hank" i walked away and i did plan to go to my shared room with Raven but instead i went to Charles. He was there reading and looked up.

"Speaking to me now?" i rolled my eyes and collapsed on him.

"Charles do you think I'm pretty like Raven." he groaned

"Not you to Pippa. I already have Raven asking me these sort of questions. i looked up

"Does that mean I'm not as pretty as she is" i felt tears come to my eyes. I always was sensitive , i couldn't help it i was never made to feel secure and loved and that had a bad effect that not even living with Charles and Raven for several years seemed to wash away like all my other scars.

"Pip, i never said that." he sighed and pulled me into a hug.

"You are just as beautiful."

"Then why does no one else like me?"

"what makes you say that?"

"Years of going to school and university with you and Raven. Everyone wants to be your friend. I'm just the loner with trust issues." i sniffed "I try to let people in without reading them but it never works. Look at me i was with a mobster for 13 years who abused and exploited me. I thought i could trust him before he showed his true colours."

"But he's not here anymore, Pip."

"Doesn't matter. I'm still damaged goods, beyond full repair."

"Hey don't say that there is someone out there for everyone."

"If that was true you would have a girlfriend" i joke and he chuckled

"Can i stay here tonight, please"

"sure" i nodded and fell asleep.

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