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I stayed in my room for at least 2 days and in that time Charles and Erik had left on another mission

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I stayed in my room for at least 2 days and in that time Charles and Erik had left on another mission. i was messing with drawing anything that came to mind when there was a knock at my door

"Go away Raven!" i called. I didn't want to talk to her because she got me in trouble which i may sound like a child but i didn't care i moved and got a room of my own. There was another knock this time persistent.

"I swear to go if that is you Sean" i yanked the door open and stopped. It wasn't sorry who i figured to be the annoying little brother or Raven the older sister but Hank.

"Hank. What are you doing here?" i asked

"Well you've been here for a few days i though you might want to come downstairs."

"No I'm okay" i tried to shut the door but he stopped it

"Please. We're just hanging out no craziness involved. I promise." i sighed

"Fine. Only cause it's you. I've been out of longer for less reasons."

"Raven did mention you were sensitive"

"Raven mentions a lot of things." i followed him downstairs and everyone looked when we came in. I went and sat down next to Sean and Hank joined me.

"Hey" Raven smiled

"Hey" i replied Alex and Darwin were on the pinball machine and i was messing around with a fireball.

"Oh i didn't know the circus was in town" i looked over to see two Agents at the now replaced window. And my fireball dimmed

"Hey, come on honey give us a little...2 he imitated wings flapping "No? Come on let's see the foot or better yet flame freak?" i looked away. Hank stood up

"There it is come on big foot lets go" Hank saluted pushing the button to close the curtains he sat back down.

"Hey come on they're just guys being stupid."

"Guys being stupid i can handle. Okay? I've handled that my whole life but I'd rather a bunch of guys stare at me with my clothes off than the way these ones stare at me." Angel retorted

"at us." Raven added

"I'm i really a freak of nature?" i asked looking up. Hank looked down.

"No, of course not. Don't listen to them. You are amazingly talented."

"really?" i perked up a bit

"really" he assured we were interrupted by a distant thudding

"what's that?" i asked now sitting up

"I don't know but something doesn't feel right" Darwin made his way to the window and we all stood up to look. We looked around and saw nothing till up in the sky. Then Mr Agent the nice one came plummeting to the ground i screamed shifting back I felt Hank take my waist. More and more Agents began dropping and i hid my face in Hanks shoulder in attempt to hide.

"Get back! Get back do not leave that room! We're under attack!" i looked and saw another Agent ordering us I was taken back.

"Behind you!" we yelled and he noticed

"Shoot! Shoot!" they fired but the devil man came as soon as he went and appeared behind another Agent shooting at the window i ducked down covering my head. I looked up and my body stated shaking someone was messing with my nature and it hurt.

"Pippa" i saw out the other window a tornado and felt the urge to fight back

"Arrgh" i screamed as my brain resisted

"Stay here my ass lets' go" i was dragged away with two people carrying me

"Get back!" i heard yells of protest as i meekly opened my eyes. I then screamed again as i felt pain ripple through me. i was taken somewhere else and i saw we were back in the breakout room. I was conscious but week screams from nature overwhelmed me. Although i felt some strength come back as a saw Devil man and tornado guy walk through the windows. There was gunfire and i held onto Hank.

"You want the mutants? They're right through that door. Just let us normal people go. We're not a threat..." there was a thud and the doors opened in walked a man with a navy blue suit and a purple neckerchief and a silly helmet.

"where's the telepath?" the man asked the devil

"not here" he was Russian

"Too bad well at least i can take this silly thing off.

"Good Evening my name is Sebastian Shaw and i am not here to hurt you"

"freeze" we saw a guard

"Azazel." oh wasn't devil or Satan then good to know. Azazel teleported and slit the poor guys neck.

"My friends there is a revolution coming. When mankind discovers who we are, what we can do. Each of us will face a choice. Be enslaved or rise up to rule." Hank made me stand behind him

"Choose freely but know that if you are not with us you are against us. So you can stay and fight for the people who fight and fear you or you can join me and live like Kings" i saw him look at Angel and hold out his hand

"And queens" she took his hand and lead her away.


"Are you kidding me?" Sean asked

"Come on, we don't belong here....And that's nothing to be ashamed of." we stood there watching her leave

"we have to do something" Raven said Darwin looked back and had a little shove with Alex. then looked at me and nodded i had a feeling

"Stop I'm coming with you" he left through the window

"Good choice, so tell me about your mutation" we started walking over and had a look

"I adapt to survive so i guess I'm coming with you" he took Angel

"Alex now"

"Out" we moved away as Alex shout energy rings but Shaw absorbed them

"Protecting your fellow mutants. Feels good." i ran to Alex's side

"Adapt to this" he put something in his mouth and i felt anger because i knew deep down

"Arrrrrrrrgggggghhhhh" i used everything i had and aimed it at them sending them flying far away. I watched as Darwin tried to change to adapt. He looked at us holding out his hand before he exploded


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