World War Three?

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Chapter Ten - World War Three?

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Chapter Ten - World War Three?

"Hey, look" I pointed to the small television set, It had been a week since we got here and the President was about to make his address

"It shall be the policy of this nation to regard any nuclear missile crossing the embargo line that surrounds Cuba as an attack by the Soviet Union on the United States requiring a full retaliatory response upon the Soviet Union" The President addressed

"That's where we're gonna find Shaw" Erik stated and I looked at him

"How do you know?" Alex wondered

"Two super forces facing off and he wants to start World War 3. He won't leave anything to chance"

"So much for diplomacy" I sighed

"I suggest you all get some sleep" Charles told us before leaving the room


I was about to go to bed but I decided to go say goodnight to Hank first. I walked into his lab and saw him looking down at the table.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked walking over. He looked up

"Yeah." he sighed and I looked down to see a needle with a green liquid.

"What's that?" I asked. I put my arms around him hugging him from behind. I felt so comfortable with him in such a small space of time.

"The answer to my problems. I found a way to normalise my feet."

"why would you want to."

"You don't understand." I turned him around.

"I don't but I know that you should never have to be afraid of what you look like or who you are."

"It's alright for you, you're beautiful."

"And so are you." I sigh "To me you are amazing no matter what you look like. Look just think about this. Do you really just want to fit in with every other human or are you going to be yourself and be unique?" I pecked lips.

"Goodnight Hank."

"Goodnight Pippa" he sighed and I left. During my sleep I felt as if something was off and my fears were only confirmed when all of us went to see Hank the next morning.

'Gone to the airbase, bring the crate marked X. Hank' Charles took it down and opened the doors the whole lab was trashed.

"What the hell happened here" I asked looking around. Charles went over to the crate and opened it. All of us joined him in looking inside. There inside was six suits one for each of us depending on our mutation

"Hank has been busy." Erik said

"Do we really have to wear these?" Alex asked

"As none of us are mutated to endure extreme g force or being riddled by bullets I suggest we suit up." he close the lid

"Erik if you would" using his powers he lifted the crate up and into the truck. All of us got in and we drove to the airbase. We opened the crate again.

"Alex, Sean, Pip, Erik, Raven and Mine." Charles handed us our uniforms. (Imagine Pippa's is like a cross between Sean's and Storms uniform they have.

"Girls get changed on one side of the truck, boys on the other."

"Yeah, like i trust Alex or Sean not to try and peak. Girls change first in the truck then boys." i scoffed then got in the truck. Once we were all done we went to find Hank and saw the scale modle as a actual real life plane. It was amazing but Hank still weight in on my mind.

"Where's Hank" I questioned.

"I'm here" there was a voice followed by a figure coming closer from the distance. As it came closer i saw Hank in a different light he had change and i didn't mean the clothing. He became all blue and fury yet I couldn't help but think how perfect he was, it didn't matter if he was blue or normal looking. He still was amazing

"Hank?" Charles asked

"It didn't attack the cells it enhanced them. I didn't work." he looked down

"Yes it did Hank." I say walking closer "Don't you see? This is who you were meant to be, this is you" I put my hand on his face caressing it.

"No more hiding"

"Never looked better man." Erik slapped his shoulder and Hank, gripped his neck i jumped back slightly

"Don't Mock me."

"Hank...Hank, put him down immediately, please." Charles said

"Hank...Hank" I called and he dropped Erik

"I wasn't" he panted

"Even i got to admit you look pretty badass, I think I got a new nickname for you...Beast." I smiled a little.

"Are you sure you can fly this thing?" Sean wondered

"Of course I can. I designed it" he lead us onto the plane and we got strapped in. Hank started her up and we pulled out picking up speed as we did then up in the air we went. I didn't take as long as I thought to reach the embargo line but we did.

"It's looking pretty messy out there" Hank muttered. Charles closed his eyes putting his finger to his temple and concentrated for a second then opened them

"The crew of the Aral Sea are all dead. Shaw's been there."

"He's still here somewhere" Erik replied

"He set the ship on course for the embargo line"

"If that ship grosses the line, our boys are going to blow it up. And the war begins" Moira stated

"Unless they're not our boys"

so lY!

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