Embargo Line Beach

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Chapter Eleven - Embargo Line Beach

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Chapter Eleven - Embargo Line Beach

Charles closed his eyes once again and I wondered what he was doing until Hank had to turn the plane around. I screamed a little as Alex and Erik put their arms out to support me.

"A little warning next time, professor." Hank said

"Sorry, are you alright?" Charles asked

"No shit, Charles are you trying to give us all a heart attack?!" I shouted

"Not so loud, Pippa" I huffed and became quiet once more.

"That was inspired Charles" Moira complemented

"Thank you, but there is still no sign of Shaw" Charles replied

"He's down there. We need to find him now." Erik gritted


"Is there anything unusual on the radar or scanners?" Hank questioned

"No. Nothing" was the reply

"Well then he must be under water and obviously we don't have sonar" I sigh

"Yes, we do" I looked to Sean and grinned

"Yes, we do" Charles and I repeated and got out of our seats.

"Hank, level the bloody plane" I called and he did so as it was now easier to move. Three of us stood there

"Whoa you back right off" Sean pointed at Erik and I laughed slightly "Beast, open the bomb bay doors!" the doors opened and we looked down at the sea.

"Remember this is a muscle! I'll be in here the entire time" We'll see you soon! On my mark 3.2.1. Go!" he jumped out and flew before dropping into the water.

"Catch you in a bit" I jumped out and flew around before settling under the plane ready to help.

'Banshee has a location on Shaw, you ready?' Charles asked me

' As I'll ever be.' thee wheels of the plane came down and I saw Erik holding on to one of them.

"I'll open the water, you tackle the sub" he nodded I flew outwards and began to do my Job diving down I went in and saw Banshee he pointed 20 kilometres ahead and I nodded I pointed my arms upward like a doors and using water i parted it slowly. I began to float up till I propelled myself upwards and out. Still concentrating my arks were now fully wide and I saw that Erik had a hold of the sub. Helping him out I used the water to help.

"I was ready for anything now, I had even been training so I would be as effected if the man with the tornado does anything again. Which he did. I saw one form and I moved a huge tidal wave towards them. Unfortunately both of them ended up crashing. I landed on the beach and ran towards the plane.

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