All Smiles

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Chapter Nine - All Smiles

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Chapter Nine - All Smiles

"Mind if I run with you today." I turned to face Hank who was looking at me sheepishly. He looked adorable with his glasses on but he wasn't wearing them now and wow, he looked stunning.

"Urm sure, but isn't it going to be a little redundant given your 10x faster than me when your feet are free?"

"I can keep my shoes on."

"But that defeats the whole purpose of training. Besides you shouldn't be ashamed of something so amazing."

"What's amazing about having hands for feet?"

"Because it's apart of you, it's who you are and you shouldn't be afraid to show it off." I sigh

"I think this is the longest conversation we've had since we met." I decided to ignore that statement

"You coming or not?" he nodded and took his shoes off I started jogging with him taking a slow pace next to me.

"So um you've been a little distant." Hank started and I looked at him.

"Have I? Hadn't noticed."

"You have." I shrugged.

"I'm surprised you notice. When I am around I see you getting cosy with Raven." I start speeding up and Hank Matches me

"She's nice to me"

"Oooh, do I see a blossoming relationship on the horizon?" I tried to joke but it came out strained, Hank didn't notice and stopped abruptly I did as well.

"No...No. I mean she's nice and all, pretty too and here molecular structure is amazing but...but"

"But what?"

"I um, I...never mind."

"Oh okay, just thought you might want to tell me you like me but okay" I shrug and start running again.

"Wait" he catches up with me "How...How do you know that." I smirked

"Why is it true" I asked panting as I ran.


"Simple yes or no Hank. It's not that hard"

"Yes" I then stopped

"Really?" he nodded vigorously.

"Hummm, you're so awkward, where you afraid to talk to me?" he stayed quiet.

"Ohhh you were. That's adorable, all this time I thought you had a crush of Raven" He blushed heavily, I could no longer resist being a reclusive and avoiding what I felt. I leant in and pecked him on the lips he turned a red tomato and I laughed.

"I like you too Hank. In fact can you keep a secret?" he looked up "I was kind of Jealous."

"You was?"

"Yeah, Raven's the pretty one, not me."

"I think you're beautiful" it was my turn to blush heavily

"Yeah, whatever."

"But I do" he felt bold enough to step closer. "You're eyes light up when you're having fun, you're laugh is like little bells. And I think that even though you've had a bad past and don't trust anyone makes you more innocent and pure. All that makes you more beautiful." I smile

"At the risk of making you blush heavily, I find you being very bold extremely hot." He looked down at my lips then back at me. I leaned in silently giving permission, he noticed and closed the gap pressing his lips softly on mine. I lifted my hand up and place it gently on his cheek as he reached a hand to my waist. At some point we had to pull away to breath in air.

"Wow" he whispered and I giggled as i leaned my forehead to his

"I think it's time we should be going in to change. Doesn't Sean have his next flying lesson?"

"yeah" I had an idea. I jumped on his back

"You're a lot faster than me if we don't want to run late" I wrapped my legs around his waist and he held on to them.

"Are you sure?"

"I trust you" I told him and kissed his cheek. He took a deep breath and started running. I squealed in delight as I felt the wind rushing through my hair. He was that fast that it was barely even a minute till we reached the front doors. I jumped down

"That was amazing" he blushed slightly and we made our way inside.


I still had my training gear on while Hank decided to change. both of us along with Erik, Charles and Sean were stood on the satellite dish. This was a lot bigger of drop that compared to that one story window.

"And you truly believe I'll fly this time?"

"Unreservedly" Charles replied

"I trust you" Sean stated

"I'm touched"

"I don't trust him"

"Say nothing" I chuckled watching

"I'm gonna die" he exclaimed

"Look, we're not going to make you do anything you don't feel..."

"Here let me help you" Erik pushed Sean off and he began to fall


"Whoa" I watched as he nearly hit the dish and then he started screaming, flying up into the sky and I laughed

"What? You know you were thinking the same." I laughed

"My turn" I chirped I went to the opening

"Are you sure that safe?" Hank asked

"Awh, so sweet" I cooed "But yes, I've done it before. It's fun." I turned around I winked at Charles

"See you downstairs" I fell back and went plummeting down I then summoned air to lift me up and I propelled into the air

"Whooo" I laughed turning and gliding through the air. I then summoned water so I could surf the water till I aim for the ground. I slowed down just enough to see Hank and dropped, He was fast enough to catch me.

"Good reflexes Hank."


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