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-3rd Person-

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-3rd Person-

Charles walked into the game room where the others. He saw Hank and Raven dancing, while Sean and Alex played pool.

"Guys" he could be heard over the music.

"Guys!" still nothing so he went and turned the music off, then everyone looked at him.

"What's wrong with Pippa?" he asked as Erik came in

"what do you mean, she's right...there. She was right there."

"I just past her, she seemed very distressed"

"She just stopped dancing, jumped from the table and left." Hank stated, while he'd been dancing for that short period of time he was watching Pippa who seemed free and less troubled

"Is it me or is it getting really warm in here all of a sudden?" Alex wondered as he pulled the collar of his shirt. Raven shared a look with Charles before both running out. The others followed wondering what was going on. and they ran down to the bunker. The green light was on signalling it was in use and the heard several crashes.

"what's going on in there?" Sean asked but no one answered him

"Pippa! Pippa calm down" he yelled

"She won't be able to here you if she's angry, Charles." he put two fingers to his forehead and tried to connect with her but there was nothing. All he saw was a wall of fire. There was a drill and the second light flashed red. Charles opened the door and there was fire everywhere.

"Get the fire extinguisher." the boys got one each and started putting the fire out. Raven and Charles on the other hand rushed to their adoptive sibling who was lying naked on the ground in a fetus position. the tried to touch her but she was scorching hot. Charles removed his jacked and place it over her to give back her dignity.

"Phillipa" he tried "Phillipa, wake up." Pippa groaned and opened her eyes.

"What's going on, where am i?" she asked

"you're in the bunker sweetie. You lit the place on fire." Raven brushed some hair out of the way, Pippa was now cooling down.

"I was so angry, i couldn't help it."

"You need to control..."

"My emotions, i know." she looked down noticing she was wearing nothing but a jacket. She felt really tired

"I'm going to go to bed." She was helped up and she slipped on the jacket. but as she went to stand on her on she became wobbly.

 but as she went to stand on her on she became wobbly

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"I've got you." She was lifted up by Charles. He and Raven left with a sleeping Pippa and the others were shocked.


I woke up the next morning feeling better, Charles was right i needed to have my emotions in check. I can't let stupid things like a boy dancing with my sister knock me.

"Morning" i said walking into the dining room Breakfast was all ready so i picked what i wanted and some juice. I felt everyone's eyes on me.

"Staring is rude, I'm fine. Honest." i began eating but i could tell some were cautious and some were worried. I shifted and looked up, of course i happened to be sitting slap bang across from Hank. He smiled at me and I looked down.

"Ready Hank?" Charles asked

"Yes" they both got up and left.

"I'm going to be out in the gardens if anyone needs me" i say after finishing

I spend a good couple of hours becoming relaxed and one with nature. When i was done i decided to go for a run.

"Pippa!" i turned round to face Hank and Charles

"are you feeling better?"

"Yes thank you Charles. I was just going for a run."

"Well maybe Hank can join you."

"I'm okay, thank you" i smiled and turned to set of running. I did a few laps around the estate before going in.


It had been a couple of days since getting here and i more or less became reclusive except for meal times. Raven trained on her own and Charles trained with everyone else individually.

"Pippa, You watching Sean flying?" Alex called and i turned around to face him.

"Okay" i agreed and walked into Hanks' lab where everyone was waiting.

"Hey, Pip" Raven smiled

"Hey" Erik, Raven, Alex and i all crammed ourselves out of one window while Charles and Hank were with Sean.

"Don't forget to scream." he prepared himself by holding back his arms and then fell off screaming normally. I giggled a little and then heard a groan.

A day or so after I came back from my shower after my daily run and was passing Hank's lab when i heard something.

"You've got to see this, you're gene's are extra ordinary, you know that? Your cells age at half the rate of a normal human. When you're 40 you'll still have the leucocytes of a teenager. You have the most incredible cellular structure I've ever seen." i looked through the crack in the door and watched as Raven sat on his lap to see what he was looking at.

" Erm, Raven. You do know i like Pippa...Right" he chuckled nervously.

"Yeah, just checking. She is my sister and all" Raven stood up. I smiled feeling butterflies in my stomach and walked away.

I stretched getting ready to go for a run when i heard someone come up behind me.

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