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We waited outside on a bench for Charles to come back

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We waited outside on a bench for Charles to come back. He finally did the next morning

"Raven, Pippa" I stood up and ran to him. Hugging him, he held me back and then Raven came over. All of us shared the hug.

"We've made arrangements for you to be taken home Immediately." He told the others and I looked down.

"We're not going home." Sean stated


"He's not going back to prison." Sean looked back at Alex

"He killed Darwin."

"All the more reason for you to leave. This is over" he replied

"Darwin's dead, Charles." Raven spoke and Charles looked at her

"And we can't even bury him" I finished and he turned his head to me

"We can avenge him" All of us looked at Erik.

"Erik, a word please" Charles left our side and they talked for a moment. Charles looked back to all of us.

"We'll need to train. All of us. Yes?"

"Yeah" Alex piped up

"Well we can't stay here. Even if they re-open the department, it's not safe. We've got know where to go."

"Yes we do" He looked at the both of us and we smiled.

"Moria is it possibly to have a couple of cars to take us to the airport and pick us up."

"Yes, of course. I'll get right on it." she went to make plans and we waited for our belonging to be brought to us.

"I can't believe we're finally going home" I sigh, then lean my head on Raven's shoulder.


We pulled up outside the mansion and got out. I beamed up at the large estate. I think everyone apart from Raven, Charles and I were in awe.

"This is yours" Sean said

"No it's ours" It stood there in all its glory

"Honestly, Charles. I don't know how you survived living in such hardship." Raven and I looked at each other before moving to the front

"Well it was a hardship softened by us" we took either side and he put a arm around either waist. Kissing both our heads, we smiled

"Come on time for the tour." I grinned and began to walk towards the house. We showed them the living room, drawing room, kitchen and dining and game room.

"Hank, come with me I've got something to show you"

"Ummm" I grabbed his hand

"Raven show the others their rooms!" I called and ran down the halls.

"I know this place top to bottom, it even had passage ways it's that rad. So when Charles and Erik planed to have you all trained and stuff Charles was talking about a lab and how we didn't have one. So i told him to leave that to me. I maybe studying Ancient History but I talked to Moira. She pulled a few strings and..." I rambled stopping at a door.

"Hank McCoy I give you..." I opened the doors

"You're own lab" I held my hands up


"I know." I grinned "This is also you're room, i can find you another if you don't want to sleep in here. There is plenty of rooms. "

"No this is fine, thank you."

"Pleasure. There are some training clothes over there. "

'Pippa, when you're ready we're all meeting in the drawing room.' Charles told me


"Everyone is waiting in the drawing room" I told him

"oh-okay" I lead the way out and we made our way to where everyone was waiting.

"Good now that everyone is here. Training will begin tomorrow bright and early. Hank you're up first then Sean, Alex and Erik. Raven and Pippa I expect you to be working hard as well even though I don't think you need to have training sessions with me. We need to take care of something so why don't you all go do your own thing."

"We could go to the game room." Raven suggested and we all agreed. I saw the music player

"Oh, I totally forgot about this." I went and ran to play some music. When it started playing I moved my hips.

"Oh yeah." Raven laughed as she joined me . I missed this feeling of freedom like there was nothing to worry about. Sean and Alex were playing pool and Hank was just sitting. Raven saw as well and went over to him. I watched as they talked and I continued dancing but I was now up on a table. Hank looked like he was declining and invitation. But he soon gave in and was pulled up by Raven. They started dancing together and Raven was getting really close.

Hank didn't seem to mind though, why wouldn't he I bet he has like a huge crush on her. I stopped dancing not feeling in the mood anymore. I jumped down and I felt someone looking at me but I didn't turn to see who. I felt my gift getting out of whack so I decided to leave. I walked down the hall and through corridors.

"Ah, Pippa"

"Not now, Charles" I walked past him and down to the bunker. I found my old practicing equipment and levitated the using air and placed them where i wanted them. I closed the bunker door and shook myself.

"Arrrrrggggghhhh" I felt all of my body light itself, as I literally became fire.

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