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Y/N P.O.V.

The day before when we got home, nothing much happened. He didn't talk to me, he basically ignored me. We once bumped into each other while going to the kitchen and I apologized, but he didn't react.

The next day I couldn't stand it anymore, so when we were walking to the bus top I shouted after him. He was walking fast, so I had to run after him.

"Jimin!"I shouted after him but he didn't react."Park Jimin!"I shouted louder.

"Leave me alone." Jimin said.

"I won't until you tell me why are you ignoring me!"I looked at him angrily. "You are being an asshole to me all the time!"

"Damn."Jimin laughed."What a great observation. I don't want to talk to you.Okay?" He looked in my eyes, being really close to me. We were just a few inches apart and I couldn't stop staring at him. I looked at him with a shocked expression.

When we got off the bus, we separated and went to our own group of friends. I walked in the school's front door and I noticed a poster on the door.

Karaoke Party on Friday Evening!

Don't Miss It!

 Well, this seemed interesting. I decided to take a photo and then decide later if I wanted to attend or not. A lot of people were talking about it, some of them wanted to sign up for it. I spotted my friends talking next to the lockers and I walked to them.

"Hi." I greeted them.

"Hey!" Dohyun smiled."Did you see the posters? They are planning a karaoke party."

"Yes." I nodded. " But I don't think I'll sign up."

"Okay." Haseul sighed ."But I want to sing. Maybe."

"Oh, I will be rooting for you!" I laughed.

"Y/N, are you sure you don't want to come?" Mihee asked.

"I'll come. But I won't sing." I said, talking through the loud bell telling us that the first class had started, I had my first class with Hasuel. It was history.

We walked into the classroom and as I stepped in, I realized Jimin and Jungkook were in this class, too. I quickly sat down at my place and packed out my things and waited for the teacher to come. I really liked our history teacher, he was a funny man.  The other classes just passed by and then we finally had lunch. We sat down at our usual place and started eating our food. A lot of people were still talking about the party that was going to be on Friday.

"I actually wonder how many people will sign up for this." I laughed.

"Probably a lot." Lisa said.

"Yes, but even if we do sign up for this what will we sing?" Dohyun asked Eunwoo.

"I don't know. " Mihee said. "I'm fine with anything. And I always choose the songs."

Haseul didn't answer because she was staring somewhere. I looked in the direction she was staring at and I noticed she was staring at Jimin. 

"Hey!" I waved my hand in front of her eyes.

"Hmm...yeah. I'm paying attention, don't worry." Haseul said still staring in the seven boys' direction.

"Don't tell me that this is what I think it is." Mihee sighed.

"Why what do you think?" Haseul said still looking at Jimin, "He's so perfect, just like an angel from heaven."

"What the-" I started but Dohyun cut me off.

" We'll talk about this after classes." Dohyun raised his brows. Whenever somebody had a crush on somebody we would always talk it out. I had to survive 2 more classes and then as we all promised I showed up in the park in front of the school after the last class ended. We all went inside and looked around if anybody else is in there. Luckily no one else was there.

"Now everybody tell me what's going on." Mihee said.

"Remember yesterday when we were cleaning?" Haseul started. " I went outside of the garage to help with the packing. Jimin was the only one who was out there at that time, because the others went to throw out the things from the garage."

"So?" I raised my eyebrows.

"So, we were there alone and we talked a little .I thought he's...cute."She admitted.

" You have a crush on him!" Eunwoo laughed.

"Maybe." Haseul nodded.

I didn't say anything about this situation, because I wasn't happy. She didn't even know him and suddenly she had a crush on him. 

When I got home I just ran in my room and jumped on my bed, I turned on my favorite songs and started singing them. I was shouting a little loudly, but I didn't care if anybody hears it. I also turned on my favorite Netflix series and re-watched a few episodes. Later in the evening my dad came home. I went into the living room and turned on the TV to see if there was anything interesting. Later Jimin walked out of his room and sat down on the other side of the couch.

In the TV they were talking about the news and I didn't really listen to it, because I was on my phone .But then suddenly they brought up Jimin. 

" Prince Jimin, who has just come out as bisexual reportedly left the palace for the reason of being endangered by attempted attacks on him and his family." The woman in the news said. " The attacks were followed by multiple online threats with homophobic undertones from anonymous accounts. The owners of the accounts are still being tracked down. " 

Jimin switched the TV off and stared in front of himself silently. I put my arms around him for a hug and softly rested my chin on his shoulder. " I'm sorry for everything I said."

He didn't respond, he untangled himself from the hug and ran away to his bedroom. I went to the kitchen and closed the door. My dad was there doing something on his laptop.

" You didn't tell me what happened to him." I said. 

" Well, now you know." Dad nodded and shut his laptop down. " Please be respectful towards him."

" I will, from now on." I laughed awkwardly. 

" He's going through a hard time." Dad said. " He isn't allowed to speak to his parents, either.  The police are afraid that their calls could be tracked down.  Thankfully, this a place where nobody would search for him. I asked him to be careful about posting online, too."

I nodded. I didn't even think about how hard it was for him. He had to leave his family and come here. I would have been upset, too.

I just really hope things will change.


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