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Y/N P.O.V.

I probably just lived the most embarrassing moment of my life that day. There's nothing worse than that.

The school day just went by, everybody was hyped because it was Friday and the karaoke party was in the evening. At first I didn't think bringing a partner would be a big deal, but when I realized that everybody has a partner but me and Mihee, I got a little nervous. But there was one big difference.

Mihee was asked by many people, but she said she's waiting for certain girl to ask her out.

"Why is it a big deal bringing someone?" I rolled my eyes, while sitting at lunch,"I know the way to school, I come here every single weekday, not like I need someone to take me..."

"And I'm not going to accept another invite." Mihee shook her head."I'm still waiting."

"Wait Y/N, why don't you ask one of the boys?" Haseul asked, not knowing what happened yesterday between her and Jimin, "What about Jimin?"

Haseul looked up from her food, trying to take the situation in her hand. "He turned down everybody who asked him..." Haseul said. "But..."

"What?" I  raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing, let's just pretend I haven't said anything." Haseul went back to eating her food.She stuffed her mouth full, meaning she won't continue, but Dohyun still wasn't enough satisfied with the answer so he kept teasing her, "Okay, okay. I'll tell you." She sighed and Eunwoo put a satisfied smile on her face," Jimin told me that he was asked out by Jungkook."

"Woow."I laughed. " He really asked him out..."

" And he didn't deny." Haseul shook her head.

After school I went home with Jimin.  A few people still stood at school to sign up in last minute. The school was so loud today that I felt relief when I got home in quiet. When it was time to get ready, I immediately felt regret for not getting ready earlier.  Right in that minute I heard a knock on my door.

"Y/N, may I come in?" I heard Jimin's voice from outside.

"Yeah?" I said and he opened the door, getting surprised at my weird hair.

"What the hell are you doing?" He looked at me.

"I was going to do something with my hair, but I put on too much hairspray." I explained my stupid situation, "Now I'm trying to brush this out, but I can't because I'm afraid that I'm going to pull my hair out."

" Right," He walked closer to me, trying to process what I just said.

"Could you help me?" I looked at him with puppy eyes.

"I'll try, but don't be mad at me if I'll do something horribly wrong." He laughed and started looking at my hair, "This looks and smells horrible." 

After a few minutes, he untangled my hair by getting the comb wet. "Oooh, thanks."I sighed in relief. " So, what's that you wanted?"

" Just that Jungkook's driving us." He said.

" Alright." I nodded.

"If you don't mind, I'll wait for you in the living room." He said and left my room.

I quickly got ready, putting on some decent clothes. I brushed my hair, leaving it natural. I  walked out of my room, into the kitchen where Jimin was leaning next to the wall, doing something on his phone. He looked stunning as always. 

"Can we go now?" He asked with a bored face expression.

"Yep." I nodded.

Jungkook picked us up, Jimin sat in the front seat with him. I sat mainly in silence, on the other hand, they were having the time of their life. They were talking about different things, mostly music. When we got to the school, I went to my friends and sat down on the bench where they were sitting. We walked to the row that was going inside the gym. In front of the door there were two students watching how many people were coming. On the gym's bleachers there were already a ton of people, I immediately noticed the boys who were sitting in the third row.

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