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Y/N P.O.V.  

When I came back from my room after finding my phone I saw Haseul and Jimin talking. One side of me was happy that they were talking and the other side  was worried. I didn't want to bother them, they seemed to like each other. I went back in my room and did some things on my computer when Haseul came into my room.

"Why didn't you come back?" She sat down in my beanbag chair and looked at me confused.

"I got a message and I was just about to go." I lied, not telling her that I saw them together.

"Oh, okay." She nodded, "So what now? I don't think you want to study."

"Yeah, I guess you neither." I said closing my laptop.

"Yep." She nodded, "So any idea?"

" I told you that I want to show you something and right when I came back in my room, I found my phone behind my bed, so I somehow happened to throw it there. "I laughed.

"Yes, and I see your screen is quite cracked." She sat down on my bed next to me.

"Well, actually this morning before school, at the bus stop, it wasn't just me who fell, but my phone, too." I told her.

"You're so clumsy." She laughed.

"I just had a tiring day, that's all." I sighed. "Okay, back to what I wanted to show you. These are the pics from last year's school karaoke party that we weren't at, so um if you guys are going to perform something then what will it be?"

We went to sleep not very long after this, and the next day we both woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, meaning that we had to wake up. Our morning went pretty easily, since we tried to go to sleep earlier.

In school I felt lucky, since them math teacher decided not to make us write a test, quite a few people were missing and decided to make us write it on Monday. This way we had enough time to study and some can even go to a private teacher for them to explain what they are confused at. The worst class was probably the third one, P.E. I had that class without any of my friends and I had to survive alone. I had a permission slip, so I didn't need to worry.

We didn't have our last class (Biology), since our teacher was home because her daughter was ill, so I decided to wait for Haseul after class, since Mihee, Dohyun and Eunwoo had a different class. As I was walking towards the sport's field, I noticed Haseul and Jimin. They were together, away from the others, standing under a tree.So, because of curiousity I decided to go closer and I stopped at the school cafeteria's wall and looked at what they were doing.

They kissed.

I repeat, they kissed. Haseul was the one who kissed first. This is what I didn't understand; they didn't even know each other for a week, but they were already together? 

So many questions were popping up in my head, so I just walked away, because I didn't want to be under the sun and watch them being lovebirds. I went in front of the school and texted Haseul, that I'm in front of the school. While sitting, I saw quite a few students walking out of the building and I nervously waited for the bell to ring. There were only five minutes left, but it felt like lifetime because of the many questions in my head. When I finally heard the bell rang, after a few minutes I noticed Haseul rushing out from the school's building towards me.

"Why didn't you wait for me inside?" She asked.

"It was too hot, and I couldn't find a shadowy place." I told her.

"But there are benches in front of the gym..."She said, confused.

"Yes, but they're uncomfortable." I answered. 

"Okay..."She sighed, "So will we wait here for the others or should we go somewhere?"

"Yesterday you said you wanted to got to the park, so we should wait there, because I don't want to get burnt." I stood up.

"Then I'll just text them later." She said and we walked out on the street, making our way to the little park. As expected no one was there, it's a really nice place but nobody really goes there because it's not close to the city center. On our way we decided to buy ice cream, since we needed to cool ourselves down with something. I bought a strawberry and caramel one while Haseul bought a marshmallow and lemon flavored one. As we got to the park, we sat down on a bench where we ate our ice cream.

I wanted to ask her about what happened earlier, but I thought there was a reason why she didn't tell me about it and I didn't want to make her say it. After a few minutes her phone rang and Mihee's ID showed up on it.

"We just finished, where are you?" We heard Mihee's voice from the other side.

"We're here in the park, right behind that old bakery where your mom used to work at." Haseul told her.

After they arrived, we basically talked about what they are going to sing and what's going to happen the next day. I didn't really have much to talk about this with them, they were  the only ones who were going to sing.

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