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Y/N P.O.V.

The morning started weirdly, I woke up at 2:00 a.m. because I had to go to the toilet. Since I didn't want to wake up anybody I didn't turn on the lights. I walked out of my room to the hallway. It was pitch black, so I had to stretch out my hands.While I did that I accidentally hit my hand in the bookshelf and pushed some things off from it.

It obviously made a lot of noise. I started putting the things back on the bookshelf and that made even more noise.When I was almost done I saw Jimin's bedroom door opening.  " Y/N, what are you doing?"Jimin asked me sleepily.

"I was going to the bathroom."I said.

"By knocking everything off the bookshelf?" He laughed.

"It's dark and I didn't want to wake anybody up." I said.

"But you did." Jimin whispered with his tired raspy voice and closed his room door.

I ran trough the dark hallway and finally got to the bathroom. Then I went back to my room quietly and fell back asleep. My alarm went off at 6:15 a.m.I went to the kitchen to get breakfast, I put to slices of bread in the toaster and sat down on one of the barstools. As I waited Jimin showed up in the kitchen in his pajamas.

"Good morning." I greeted him, he murmured something back, but I didn't understand it.  When the toasts were finalyl done I took out a bottle of milk from the fridge and poured some in a cup.

Jimin and I were the only ones at home that day, since dad went to work early. After I ate my breakfast I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Then I ran into my room to find something to wear. I quickly stuffed my lunch in my backpack and then ran into the kitchen. Since I was pretty early I checked if anybody was online on skype, but there was noone. Jimin walked out of the bathroom, he was wearing a simple black tee tucked into black jeans with a belt. He sat down on the couch and turned his phone on, there were like 30 minutes that we could spend and then we had to go to the bus. 

" I'll leave earlier." Jimin told me. " I will buy some food for later."

" Stay safe!" I told him. " Don't let anyone recognize you."

" I have a mask." He said as he put on his jean jacket, then picked up his bag from the floor and left the room.

I was so lost in the game I was playing that I didn't even realize I was late. I quickly put my shoes on and ran as fast as I could to the bus stop.As I got there I tripped in an empty can that was on the floor and fell hitting my knee.My phone fell out of my hand and landed in front of me with the screen facing the floor.

"Are you okay?" Jimin asked me. He reached out his hand to help me up from the floor.

"I guess..." I sighed and picked my phone up from the ground. "But my knee not very much...and neither is my phone" The screen was broken in every single place you could just imagine, since I didn't have a case for it. I used to have a non popular phone, it wass hard to find a case for it. "Shit." I whispered.

When we finally arrived at school. I walked to the lockers to put away the things I won't need. The people in school were advertising this school karaoke party way more that day. They even stuffed a few posters in my locker. As I was throwing the trash out of my locker, Haseul looked at me.

"Hi!" She hugged me, "Guess what just happened!"

"Um, what?" I smiled. throwing out an old test in the trash.

She looked around and whispered in my ear excitedy, "Jimin looked at me quite a few times this morning and we made eye contact and he smiled. Does that mean he likes me too?"

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