Chapter 2

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School started on a good note, I became close with Ginny we had all our classes together. We talked about the recent attacks and her insane crush on Harry, it was rather cute. I had a feeling that they would end up together eventually.

Soon it was rare for me to see my sister, I felt like she was ignoring me, she talked to me at meals but always hung close to Ron and Harry.

The first quiditch match occurred a bludger went crazy, it hit harry breaking his arm. The phony wannabe Lockhart did a spell that ended up making all the bones in harry's arm vanish.

I found a journal in Ginny's things, it had my grandfather's name on it, which is peculiar that ginny had it. I asked her about it and she went mad. I was concerned for my friend.

One night I heard a voice in the walls, I followed it, and I wish I hadn't. I saw the creature that belonged with the voice and poor Collin. I said nothing even when I saw the teachers going to bring him to the infirmary.

I wanted to say something truly I did, but what if I was blamed for theses attacks, I was terrified.

Soon my strolls became an occurring thing maybe if I could stop the monster the school would be safe. Although when I would awake in my bed with dirt on my feet with no recollection of how I got back to my bed began to scare me.

My strolls became a private matter as well as my unknown strolls that I had no memory of. Every morning I would have to clean my sheets and take a shower so no one would be suspicious of me.

As the attacks began to get worse the Professors began to watch my every step, although I didn't know why.

But when my sister was attacked that was the last straw. I went to professor Snape with my questions but he knew something but didn't tell me.

Soon lessons were being cancelled, and the school year was almost over, but there were rumors that the school would be closed for good if the person behind the attacks were not found.

I was with harry and ron in the infirmary visiting my sister. We found out with the help of hermione, apparently the monster was a snake traveling through the pipes. Disgusting, I learned that like harry I could also speak parsaltongue.

The basilisk took Ginny weasley my best friend to die in the chamber

Harry Ron and I found the entrance to the chamber and we brought the information to Professor Lockhart and we brought the spineless coward with us.

We entered the chamber and Lockhart took rons wand and tried to wipe our memories but since rons wand was broken it bounced back and hit him. And he hit the wall causing rocks to separate him and ron from me and harry.

We followed the chamber and found ginny lying on the ground holding my grandfathers diary.

Tom Riddle appeared from a corner of the chamber and he looked very young which was odd since he should be like sixty by now. He tried to gain my trust using the family card.

I didn't buy it, and when he said that Ginny needed to die to make him live. I denied being blood but it was to hard to deny the bond I felt with him.

He set the basilisk after harry but Harry defeated it with the help of Dumbledore's phoenix. Harry destroyed the diary saving ginny and destroying tom riddles spirit.

When we got out of the chamber we were brought to the headmasters office and Dumbledore gave us house points and then Mr. Malfoy walked in saying he had no idea how the diary got to Ginny but I knew that was a lie, harry followed after Mr. malfoy left. I stayed to talk to Dumbledore.

"How did you feel when you saw your grandfather's memory?" he asked

"I sort of didn't want harry to destroy the diary because I want to learn where I came from but I also didn't want to let Ginny die, but it was like I had seen it happen before." I said

"What do you mean?" he asked

"When harry was in position of the diary I touched it and a vision just hit me and it was what happened in the chamber." I said he didn't look surprised

"You are a seer like your mother." He said "And what I have seen this year you have your grandmother's talent of being a metamorphagus, it is only your eyes that change with your emotions but soon you could change your appearance all together."

"Really" I was shocked that was so cool

"Well I will let you go join with your friends" he said and I went to dinner

Soon school was over and it was time to go home Hermione and I said our goodbyes to our friends when we got off the train and we left to go home with mom and dad.

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