Chapter 7

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I went to the astronomy tower and started my homework, and my dad found me and sat there and just watched me. I wished he could transform to normal without being attacked by a dementor. I had finished my essay for Snape, and I was semi completed with my history of magic's essay, when Draco showed up in the astronomy tower.

"Okay granger so what did you want to talk to me about?" he asked

"Alright you know how I said my dad was innocent" I asked

"Yeah?" he said "Granger where are you going with this?"

"You have to swear not to tell anybody." I said

"Yeah sure" he said

"I swear Draco you can't tell anyone, promise you won't?" I said

"Yea I promise Cleo." He said

"Draco, this is my father." I said pointing to my dad

"Your dad is a dog?" he said

"No my dad is an animagus," I said "I can't really let him walk around as a human he would give the dementors kiss immediately."

"That makes sense but how do you know it is your dad? I mean dogs can't really talk." Draco said and my dad growled at him "All right I'll take your word for it"

"So you won't tell anyone?" I said

"Of course Cleo." He said

"So you gonna go to the quidditch game tomorrow?" I asked "Cuz we are gonna crush Hufflepuff''

"I guess I can go" he said

"You guess?" I said with a raised eyebrow

"Well I won't tell anybody I'm cheering for a Gryffindor." He said standing closer to me

"Awe how sweet." I said sarcastically

"Well I mean it I will cheer for you. Plus you need somebody in the stands to make sure you don't get hurt." He was standing really close to me now and he was looking down at me and I was looking up to him, then all of a sudden he leaned down and kissed my cheek. Then my dad barked and growled causing us to back away from each other.

"Well I guess I'll see you later then?" I said awkwardly leaving the astronomy tower my dad trailing behind me.

I got to lunch and I kept thinking about Draco and the fact that he kissed me. I touched my cheek where he had and smiled. The rest of the day just breezed by and soon it was night time I put on pajama pants and a tank top and decided to tell Ginny.

"Ginny?" I said

"Yea what's up patty?" she said

"Well there's this boy and he kissed me, well on the cheek, but then my dog barked and I left. Should I try being alone with him or do I just ignore it?" I asked

"I don't know just follow your heart and if it was meant to happen then it will." She said

"Thanks Ginny." I said "So how's it going with you and harry?"

"What do you mean?" she said blushing

"I know you have a crush on him you have since I met you." I said

"I don't know he doesn't even notice me." She said "Not like you all the guys notice you"

"What are you talking about?" I said

"Guys from all different houses look at you." She said

"That's because I give them something to look at that they can't have" I joked "Plus I have a different eye and hair color everyday and my hair length is different."

"True" she said with a smile

"Well goodnight Ginny." I said

"Goodnight." She said

I fell asleep quickly with Draco's kiss still lingering in my mind. The next day it was raining and it was a horrible day for quidditch but still the game went on. I got dressed and put on my Gryffindor quidditch robes, and made my hair an inch or two above my shoulders and put it up and I tie a red shoe lace in my hair as a headband to keep my new bangs out of my face.

I then walked down to breakfast and sat near my sister. My dad just stayed in the common room not wanting to get caught even though he only looked like a dog.

"Are you gonna eat Cleo?" Hermione asked

"Yea I'm just not that hungry." I said grabbing a muffin and picking it apart.

"Well you better eat that muffin before you turn it into tiny beanie size pieces" she said

"Yes mum." I said sticking my tongue out at her.

"Hey patty you ready?" George asked me

"As ready as I'll ever be Georgie." I said

"Hey don't get knocked off your broom" Fred said

"Thanks, that made me feel loads better." I said

"You're welcome." He said

I ignored the muffin that I had destroyed and I grabbed a red apple and cut it in half and as I ate, I was staring at Draco but as soon as he noticed turned away blushing that I had been caught. Though, even after I turned away I still felt like someone was watching me.

Soon it was time to head to the quidditch pitch. We all mounted our brooms and the game began. I made a couple goals but a Hufflepuff chaser kept pushing me off my broom or at least he was trying to. I saw Harry and the Hufflepuff seeker go up into the clouds after the snitch. Then a Hufflepuff beater hit the bludger and it hit me right in my shoulder knocking it right out of the socket and probably broke most of my bones in my arm, the pain was bearable and I even kept playing and made a couple more goals. But then it got called the dementors were on the grounds, then I saw Harry fall from the sky and Dumbledore cast a spell so he fell slowly and gradually but he still blacked out. The Hufflepuff seeker wound up catching the snitch and they won. But I know we would have won if the dementors hadn't shown up.

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