Chapter 12

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Pettigrew was cowering and whimpering everyone was just staring and then someone pulled me off of him allowing Pettigrew to breathe. Sirius and Remus pointed their wands at him but Harry spoke up.

"No!" harry said "My parents wouldn't want their friends to be killers"

"Bless you harry." Pettigrew went up to harry

"Get off." I said,

"They said we wouldn't kill you, not that you were spared." He said "We will bring him up to the castle and the dementors can have you"

We all got in the tunnel and I was in the front with my father away from Pettigrew. They all knew I would probably kill him if I was given the chance.

"Dad?" I said "Why did he call me mum's name?"

"You look identical to your mother did at your age except for the hair that was me" he said

"Why did they lock you away?" I asked

"He stole my wand and after he killed her he left leaving my wand with her" he said "When I saw her I grabbed my wand but Pettigrew already called the aurors."

"I remember I heard you crying before they took me away. They wouldn't let me see you one more time." He said "Your mother's brother and her wife believed in my innocence but could never convince anyone. They sent me a picture every year of you and I sent you letters. Did you get them?"

"Yeah but by the time I knew how to answer back I didn't know what to say." I said "But I read every single one of them. It was comforting to remind me that you actually did care."

"I will always care about you Cleo." He said I fiddled with my mother's locket that I had been given for Christmas. "Your mothers locket I gave that to her our first Christmas at Hogwarts''

"Yea mum gave it to me for Christmas." I said "Is it weird that I call them mum and dad is it?"

"Sort of but they raised you as their daughter so I guess it is only fair." He said

"But I call you dad too." I said

"Thank you" he said and we finally reached the outside of the tunnel

Dad and I stayed with Ron and Hermione while Harry went to talk to Sirius.

"What did you mean sir, if you don't mind me asking when you said your father would never tell Pettigrew to kill Cleo's mother. And I guess my aunt." Hermione said

"I meant that lord voldemort is my father. And he accepted Delilah he had to or else he would have been a hypocrite. I loved Delilah just like he loved my mother" dad said

"Your mother?" Hermione said

"Yes she was an exceedingly bright witch. Her and my father grew up together before they knew about magic." He said "Even though he was against muggles he loved my mother even though she was a muggle born. She was the only person who could tame the beast. One might say."

"He loved her." Hermione said

"And she loved him no matter what he did she still loved him. When I was sorted into Ravenclaw he was upset and said the heir of Slytherin should be a Slytherin." Dad said "But mum said that I was going to be the heir no matter what. And she calmed him down."

"My mum was the first to meet Delilah and I knew if mum liked her my father wouldn't get a say in it other whys." Dad said "If Delilah would have lived and another war broke out all of the granger's muggle or not would be safe."

"Wow" Hermione said

"So that means Patty is the heir of Slytherin?" Ron said "But she is too nice, well unless you mess with her temper."

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