Chapter 9

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My sister hates me and so do all of my so-called friends. I don't know why this was affecting me so badly but it was and I stayed in my bed for days turning to months no one bothered me the only time someone saw me was when I went to use the bathroom. The only people I talked to were Dobby and beanie. Dobby was a paid house elf Harry had freed last year. Dobby would bring me food and sometimes I would eat it but eventually I realized I stopped talking and eating all together. I kept track of time and I had been kept in for about a month and a half so it was already mid December by now. This morning I decided I would get out of bed, put a smile on my face and go down to breakfast. I put a light blue sweater on and a pair of dark blue jeans, a pair of boots for the snow that covered the outside, and a jacket with gloves and a hat in the pockets.

I brushed my hair and left it that way. I then went down to the great hall making contact with no one and no one bothered me. I got to the great hall and sat at the end of the Gryffindor table and ate a piece of toast with jelly then I was full. So I just sat there looking at everyone, people were smiling and laughing even my sister was happy, and so was Draco. I decided to go to the lavatory and I looked in the mirror. My skin was a sickly pale color and my eyes were dull and fogged over.

I heard the call for Hogsmeade and I left, blending into the crowd I put my hat and gloves on and just followed the crowd. I went to Honeydukes and got some chocolate. I ate a piece but didn't eat the rest. Then I just walked around and around just looking around not for anything in particular so I went for a walk and found a secluded area under the trees and I lay in the snow and closed my eyes as the snow fell down from the sky onto me. Then I heard the snow crunch

"Hey! Who are you? Why are you just laying in the snow?" a voice said. I tried to get up and walk away as quickly as I could but the voice was quicker than me and grabbed my arm and I faced the voice and I saw those piercing light blue almost gray eyes. I tried pulling away.

"Who are you?" he kept asking. He finally got a good look at my eyes "Cleo?"

"No one has seen you in months you've been missing classes." He said "Are you okay?"

I opened my voice but no sound came out, so I just nodded my head.

"Why aren't you talking Cleo?" he asked. I just shrugged my shoulders and he let go of my wrist "You don't know why you're not talking?"

"Or do you just not want to talk to me? Your Gryffindors turn you against me while you were kept away?" he said "I see I should of none better than to trust a Gryffindor let alone a filthy blood traitor"

I just turned and walked away fresh tears running down my cheeks. I walked back to Hogwarts and went to Dumbledore's office. I don't know why I went there, I just did.

"Miss Granger I hear this is the first time you have been out in months are you alright?" he asked I shook my head no

"What's wrong?" he asked and I just collapsed to his floor and the world went black.

When I awoke I heard someone crying next to me. It was a girl's cry. I opened my eyes and saw Hermione.

"Hermione?" I said my voice was quiet and weak and horse

"Cleo, oh my god I have been so worried. I am so sorry Cleo" she said crying

"I'm sorry" I said

"I was so worried when you wouldn't wake up. You were out cold for a week. You never moved, one would have thought you were dead if they didn't see you breathing." Hermione said

"Can I have some water?" I asked sitting up.

"Yea I will go tell Madame Pomfrey you're awake." She said and she came back with pomfrey and some water

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