Chapter 3

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The summer passed by quickly and I read about my heritage and what it came with. I was also able to semi-perfectly change my appearance so far I could change my eyes and hair color but I learned I could change my skin tone and face shape and nose, eye, lip, ear, shape. I was also studying my seer heritage and it was incredible and I was learning a lot and I owled Dumbledore to see if I could be put in higher classes so now I would be in divination, charms, care of magical creatures, and transfigurations with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, I also asked Dumbledore permission to be allowed to go to Hogsmeade this year. It took a lot of asking but he finally allowed it and sent me the form for my parents to sign which they happily did. I also sent Harry a birthday present. I sent him some candy, cookies, and a book about the famous and infamous quidditch players throughout history. The other day though when Hermione and I got the Dailey prophet our parents tensed up when they read the front page. Sirius Black and Marvolo Riddle mass murderers escaped from Azkaban, my father had managed to escape from Azkaban and now he was free and I knew he would find me.

Today my hair was blonde with green streaks and it was wavy. I was wearing a black jean mini skirt with a gray button up blouse, and gray ballerina flats. Hermione and I were currently at the Leaky Cauldron with Ron and his family. Hermione had gotten a cat named Crookshanks, and he got along with beanie. Beanie had grown a fair bit but now she was at her full grown size.

We met up with Harry and we all went together to the train station and platform 9¾ when we got on the train and Hermione and Ron were asking Harry about how he turned his aunt into a balloon and how he could have gotten expelled.

"I'm gonna go find Ginny." I said walking away from the group looking in every compartment for my friend. And unfortunately I walked into a certain Slytherin compartment.

"What do you want?" a voice asked

"It none of your concern I am merely looking for my friend" I said

"What house are you in? I haven't seen you here before?" a more feminine voice asked "I'm pansy, that's Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, and Nott."

"I'm Cleo." I said

"It appears that you're a Slytherin but green just might be your color or something." She said

"Oh, um... I'm in Gryffindor, but believe me the hat wanted to put me there." I said

"Why?" She asked and boy this girl asks a lot of questions but she didn't seem too bad for a Slytherin that is.

"Because my grandfather was a Slytherin and all of my grandfather's family was in Slytherin." I said

"So, how do you end up in Gryffindor?" She asked

"My mother was a Gryffindor. My father was in Ravenclaw." I said

"What was your parents' blood?" the boy known as Nott asked

"My mother was muggle born and my father was half blood." I said

"So that makes you half blood too. No wonder you are in Gryffindor." Nott said

"Actually my father's father was a Slytherin even though he was half blood but then again, my father's grandmother was the daughter of one of the purest Slytherin families, but she had a baby with a muggle" I said and they all seemed confused. "Have you heard of the Marvolo riddle?"

"Yes he is the one who escaped from Azkaban with Sirius black." Blaise said

"Well he is my father or my birth father at least. He was sent there because they think he killed my mother also, because he was a death eater." I said "Or so the ministry thinks but after my mother died he lost it and was taken away the same day, he didn't kill her even though I was only an infant she was killed by a weird looking man."

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