Ch. 7: A mistaken hello

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Shalya's P.O.V

My eyes widened as I nervously sweat. it was rolling down my face when Calum grabbed the closet door.

"NOOW!!!" I yelled as Hannah bolted out of the bathroom with toilet paper stuck to her foot.

I swiftly squeezed between Calum and the door while hiding my face. Hannah was nowhere in sight. shoot! where is she?

I just ran down the hall and jumped over random banana peels on the floor. what the hell? okay then.

before the guys could get to me, I bolted out the door. what a rush!

I hid in some bushes beside 5SOSes studio. as quietly yet loudly as possible, I called for Hannah. oh no!

Calum's P.O.V.

I hesitantly grabbed the closet door handle. who's on our closet? seriously creepy...

I heard little movement. Michael was near the bathroom with Luke. Woosy Ashton was on the bed hugging a pillow.

"NOOW!!!" Yelled a high pitched scream. the bathroom door flew open as I looked back.

Michael and Luke stood near the restroom with their jaws dropped while hugging. What sissys.

The person in the closet slipped through my arms and out into the hallway. Dam.

I looked at Luke and gave him a dumb look.

"Well come on!" I motioned him to come with me. we all were in shock.

"Ashton come on!"I Michael said while heading out to the hallway.

Ash got off the bed and caught up with us. By the time we were halfway through our hall, we heard the front door slam.

Sh*t! we weren't even close to catching whoever!

"Who was that?" Luke asked while rubbing his fingers through his quif.

"Well whoever it was, they won't be visiting us for awhile." Ashton explained.

we all nodded and went to see what the damage was on the toilet.

Hannah's P.O.V.

I bolted out of the bathroom while leaving everyone in the dust. I turned a couple corners not looking where I was going.

suddenly, a dead end came upon my path. fudge! I didn't even know where I was. this is bad!

where could Shayla be? I stayed hiden in a room that looked like a janitors closet.

I didn't hear anything. It was too quiet. oh gosh.....

Shayla's P.O.V.

I took a big breath, put my hood on and walked in front of the building.

I glanced at the glass doors starring at the empty hallway. while walking past the building back and forth, I kept thinking...

*I let Hannah down. She's going back to that frikin home cuz of me. I bet the poor 17 year old girl is on her way now. I'm so sorry Han...*

I began to tear up when suddenly, I saw shadows in the hallway. Oh my gosh it's the boys! wait... oh crap!

I bolted to a side stand that sold hats. it was staggered by the studio. pretending to look at fedoras and sun hats, I kept peeking over there.

They were talking right in the middle of the doors. I didn't see Luke though. hmm.

Luke's P.O.V.

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